The second half of your 1st point about learning the full extent of their deception is a strong motivation. And to the extent that they declare themselves our enemies and wreak havoc in our lives it is best to know thy enemy. Forewarned is forearmed.
Why all the hard work?
by Chalam 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
yadda yadda 2
Also because it's intellectually stimulating and its something most of us know a lot about.
I think the difference is whether you are an apostate or just anti-witness, one walks away the other becomes involved in actively trying to destroy what they once loved.
Actually either one is apostate by definition- one who leaves the cause. One who walks away trying to enlighten others to what once held them captives would not be defined as antiwitness...rather anti WT. Antiwitness would be against the individual.
Yes, I would agree. I am totally against the teachings of the WT, but I am for JWs and ex JWs alike :)
Anyhow, thanks for all the posts from all sides.
All the best,
Almighty Escargot (Jehovah)
LMAO @ WTWizard
first shock...then you then you have the need to find more and more and expose these things to your own self...and then for me what black sheep have friends and family you want to get to think and see and maybe even wake up!...but NOTHING seems to you keep looking on the CD for ANYTHING that may make them think!....and geeze you keep finding more and more crap...but they cant smell ANY of you wind up obsessed, on meds...and drinking a lot.............obsessed.........oompa