For years I missed out on "The Cosby Show" and "Cheers" cuz they were on meeting night. Caught em years later on reruns. Some of those Cosby shows still seem new to me. Missed a lot of "Friends" too until I went inactive.
What TV shows did you miss out on as a dub?
by JimmyPage 24 Replies latest jw friends
I did not watch Dynasty much because of the meeting nights! My worldly friends in high school were talking about the show every week, I felt left out because I did not watch the show.
Let's not forget Nova. That is on Tuesday evenings at 8 PM, on PBS networks. And I missed it because of that damn boasting session--many missed most of it; those with Tuesday Circus Meetings missed the whole thing. I wonder if the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger did that on purpose--when I was growing up in the world, Nova was one of my favorite TV shows. And it does a pretty good job at busting up some of the myths that religion has created.
Well, as a kid I wanted to watch Ann of Green Gables sooooo much but it was on a meeting night (before tivo and vcr's that were user friendly). Of course, was NOT allowed to watch the Smurfs for fear a little blue guy would come running through the KH...hehe. no joke. Wasnt really allowed to watch Saved By the Bell because there was teenage dating and 'worldly" issues. Wasnt allowed to watch the Facts of Life unless pops wasnt home. Up until I moved out of my house at 18 I wasnt allowed to watch any movies worse than PG and now its funny when people say "oh remember when they did that thing in Deliverance? or Flashdance? or Spaceballs?" and I just havent gone back and gotten caught up yet ;-)
The shows I missed out on when I was growing up were things like "Twilight Zone", "Night Gallery" and "thrillers".
We were not allowed to watch any spook shows or anything that might be frightening.
I just want you to know that this is what NORMAL parents do to protect their children.
Of course I was never a dub. If someone had given me one of those end-of-the-world awake mags with scary momma would have hunted them down and clobbered them.
I am not sure if she was actually trying to protect our psyches, or whether she was just concerned about us wetting the bed.
Definitely Cheers and Hill Street Blues.
I remember the original Battlestar Galactica and I hated missing half the episode every week to go down to the book study.
missing half the episode
That phrase triggers some memories. I remember a lot of half episodes of shows myself. Things would get interesting and then it was time to go to the meeting.
no more kool aid
All the Saturday morning cartoons. I remember standing on a stoop watching them through the window and the kids stretched out in their jammies. That was before Cartoon network, VCR or after school cartoons for kids, so if you missed them you missed them.
SEX AND THE CITY Too immoral!
But I'm watching it now though
I was just reminiscing with the wife (non-jw) the other day, and told her that when I was a kiddo, Batman was a series on TV. It was a 30-minute show - if I recal correctly - from 7pm to 7:30pm - and was on two nights - Wednesday and Thursday nights.
I always got to watch it the first night - and right at the end of the show, Batman and Robin would get caught by the villain... "...will Batman become shushi?" "Will Robin become CatWoman food?" "Stay tuned tomorrow... saaaame Bat-Time... saaaame Bat-Station!" - or somesuch.
Thursday evenings... we had the meetings. I never got to see how they 'escaped' the clutches of the villains. Kind of a lop-sided show... with them only getting caught - and never escaping and getting the bad guys.
Later on in life - when I was in my early 20's, I lived in Burnet, TX - and went to the local KH in Marble Falls. On Thursday nights there was a Mork & Mindy show that I would drive down to Marble Falls and watch on the big-screen TV at Gatti's. From 7pm to about 7:25pm, when they would go to commercial - just prior to the famous 'Mork calling Orson...' finalie - and wrap-up. I never got to watch that bit, as I had to skee-daddle over to the KH and walk in just as they were closing their songbooks and sitting down. (I know that it was 'bad', but I was a lonely, single guy - that the local JW gals would have nothing to do with - so I had to find/make my own entertainment.)
There were lots of other shows growing up - (before VCRs) that I missed out on watching... many cartoons on Saturday mornings... oh well.
Jim TX
BTW - you need to do a 'survey' on how many 'shows' - or NFL football games that the fellas here DIDN't miss - on Sundays - during the season. I seem to remember almost empty KHs - as a kiddo - and late teen - when it was NFL Sunday. Supposedly - word would get back that they 'went to the morning meeting'... but I'm not so sure that really happened.