I have received a package from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
You may recall that Dino found out that the UN’s High Commissioner’s Office in Geneva, Switzerland has in its collection the November 22, 1998 Awake! magazine article titled “A Long Job Finished” (Pages 3 and 4) and a second article titled “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (Page 5).
Dino used the internet to find this out at http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/materials/articles.htm. At that time I let everyone else know that this article was located in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 50th Anniversary collection found ( http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/materials/index.htm) in Geneva, Switzerland.
After countless hours I managed to get a hold of the right person to send me a copy of the article.
Below, I have scanned what has been sent to me. All you have to do is put your mouse over each image. Right click and save it to your hard drive. Then open it up in a word processor or graphics package and print out your own copy.
Staff in Geneva are still looking for the cover letter that went along with this. The cover letter is important because it will tell us just who sent the materials to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Was it the Department of Public Information or was it the Watchtower itself. I personally suspect (based looking at the other sources of materials in the internet sites mentioned above) that this article was submitted to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for the UDHR collection through the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI). DPI would have received this document via the Watchtower’s as part of its annual submissions to DPI when the Watchtower was an “associated” NGO with DPI .
Oh, in case you think I am just giving you something that is bogus, I guess you people need a name for verification. My contact is:
Alexandre Girard
Associate Project Officer
Activities and Programmes Branch
Activities and Programmes Branch
8-14 Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Telephone Number (41-22) 917-9000
[email protected]
Please keep in mind that I am working closely with this individual and have not dropped the megga bombshell that the Watchtower, even though they may be for corporate religious freedom, are completely against individual freedom of human rights and conscience. I have also not dropped the mighty mega bombshell that DPI disassociated the Watchtower on October 9, 2001.
When I inform the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights that the below article was made by a cult who “shuns” ex-members and refuses to allow little children to have life saving blood transfusions, all hell is going to break loose. But I want all hell to break loose after they get me who gave them the article.
However, your right to know and verify if much more important than when "all hell breaks loose".
So for now folks we can officially confirm that the UDHR materials collections, does have a copy of the November 22, 1998 Awake! magazine, pages 3 to 5 (and in a number of languages to boot)!!