I am considering disassociation. Those who already have please reply.
by The Berean 38 Replies latest jw friends
Why are you discontent?
Also, do you have family in?
Do you know what happens to people who 'disassociate'?
The Berean
I'm sorry if I worded it wrong. What has been your experience after the fact?
Please KNOW that you will be treated as the Anti-Christ. It's difficult to understand exactly what that involves, until you've lived through it. You likely feel that a select few JWs will not shun you, because they are good friends or because you've known them for so long. Well, guess what? They will most likely shun you, as if you're of no concern to them. They won't bother telling you good-bye. You will no longer exist, to them.
Please allow me to use absurdity to illustrate realiy...
How would you feel right now if serial killer called you on the phone?
Whatever negative feeling that gives you, active JWs will have a similar feeling about you, if you DA, when and if you attempt to speak with them about anything. I cannot warn you enough about the reality of this consequence.
Each person must way the pros and cons of each possible route. If none of these people are important to you, it matters not how you exit.
drew sagan
I had no family inside the organization. After I DA'd my wife was eventually DF'd. Some of her family was inside the organization. Her parents have since lightened up a great deal (especially after we had our first baby) but her sister still does not speak to her. We recieved one phone call from the Elders since my wife was DF'd right after we had the baby. They wanted to know if they could stop by for a visit. My wife declined but said they could call her on the phone, they never did. Her mother continues to invite her to the memorial each year but that is about it. JWs typically put their heads down or find another way to pretend they don't see us when we are out in public (we live in a neighborhood with a number of JWs close by).
Neither of us had an extensive network of famliy members and friends inside the org. Additinally both of us were well out of the organzation by the time I DA'd myself. I suppose it would have been a very differant situation had I gone ahead with DA before my wife was ready to leave.
The Berean
How long has it been since you DAd and have you gotten over the rejection factor?
The Berean
Thanx drew sagan:
You just provided a clue ...
Now maybe the answer is that if I value family members who remain active it is better to wait until they throw me out.
How do others feel?
When my wife and I DA'd in 1989 we had not been inside a KH for six or eight months. We had already lost our social contacts, and couldn't stand the control from the WTBS. She had a few family members still in, my family was never JW. We decided that we wanted to make it clear that we felt the WTBS to be a false religion, it was to be a positive affirmation of a conscious decision to leave the religion. We have never regreted sending it. It went to the local elders, Brooklyn, and the few family members she still had in.
I D'ad six months ago after much struggling and finding reasons to stay in. You can find something wrong in every religion but the things I found wrong in this one just kept stacking up on top of each other and I realized it wasnt where I wanted to be. I then took advantage of the fact that I could still associate with other dubs to try and pass on what I knew about the society and their erroneous teachings. I managed to get my mum out because of it.. My husband was DF on 21st of jan this year so we,re all fresh out of the org. but we all agree its the best thing we've ever done. The shunning can be hard to cope with especially from family members and you will go through a whole host of emotions; guilt , anger, happiness, relief, guilt , anger, happiness, relief.......but be assured the happiness and relief will take over. If you are convinced that you are not in the true religion , then why stay within their ranks as a vote in support of them and everything they stand for and are responsible for. We are much happier as a family and much more relaxed in our day to day life. It is a rollercoaster but You will make the right decision for you. Just remember- More than a 1000 times does God tell us in the Bible not to be afraid. SO DON'T BE AFRAID !
I disassociated in 1996. Living a lie wasn't an option. Personal integrity demanded I remain true to myself. I was fully aware of the consequences. The shunning thing was to be expected. Now, I just feel sorry for the JW's I run into....family included.