I don't respect the Watch Tower Witnesses enough to associate or disassociate. Screw em!
I am considering disassociation. Those who already have please reply.
by The Berean 38 Replies latest jw friends
Dear Finally Free,
Whoa, lots of petty stuff but goes to show that they want CONTROL and revenge. My wife and I are busting up laughing about the chairs! The list of sins for disfellowshipping / ex-communication is specific and they use the process for petty junk. Its about psychopathic / sociopathic control.
I have been SO HAPPY since leaving - freeing my conscience and going to Christian churches - and my wife has friends and ladies Bible studies like from Priscilla Shirer or Beth Moore, my son has dozens of playmates, he got guitar lessons from a 17 year old boy here and studies piano now with a retired classical musician, who sang at Carnegie Hall!, for $13 a lesson. He has been to a basketball camp, country carnivals, sings in a boys choir, gets VBS (Vacation Bible School), AWANA which is group activities then Bible verse memorization with lessons, Sunday School with kids learing at the appropiate level for his age, like in public school.
I teach the boy's choir, sing in the adult choir, and sing bass in a mens four part harmony group with six other guys. I always wanted to learn harmony. I give devotionals every month at our weekly prayer breakfast. I choose the subject and content and how long I speak.
Is there really any down side when what you are leaving is so puny in comparison with love, faith, and a good Baptist pot luck supper?
It is going to be OK. Jesus said whoever gives up family or friends for his sake will get hundred-fold now and later. Pray, truly do ask God for all your needs, never think God isn't interested in EVERTHING his children are doing.
Blessings to you "The Berean" and "Finally Free".
drew sagan
Gordy how awful! There are no words...
I have chosen, on the off chance that it might facilitate communication with JW family members, to NOT Disassociate™ myself.
Of course, there's nothing stopping the local Gestapo Elders™ from claiming publicly that I have Disassociated™ myself. And even without that "mark" stamped on my forehead, it's really done nothing for the relationship I had with JW family members.
However, I feel no regret. The choice to shun me has not been of my own making. I simply wanted to live my life, unencumbered by JW rules and regulations. I can do that without giving them a stick to beat me with. If they are going to ostracise/abuse me, it will be of their own volition, not because I basically acquiesced to WTS rules and granted permission for the ostracism/abuse.
cameo: Why are you discontent?
Because (1) he's still a dub, officially, and (2) he's trying to leave the cult. Duh!
To Berean: If you DA, you're playing by their rules. Fading is possible, if done carefully. I've been "inactive" for 30 years, and my JW parents still talk to me.
My 2 cents, as a general answer, it is better to fade a way.
Dissappear, dont answer your phone or door.
Why burn bridges, after a year or so they will forget about you without
the bad after tasted and rammifications and stigma.
Dissassociating and dissfellowshiping are their games and it gives them power and
controll over you.
Fading away, leaves you in the drivers seat, especially when it comes to family and
friends and business.
If I had it to do over again, I would've tried to fade. But I don't know if that would've been possible, since the elders were trying to force me to stalk my abusive, mentally ill jw husband to prove adultery on his part after I filed for divorce. In reality, I think they were trying to force me back into the marriage. I was running for my life, so it seemed expediant to cut both him and the cult off. I told them that their request was unreasonable and that I didn't want to be part of an organization that insisted on such. I offered to da, but the elders said not to bother, that they would df me. And they did.
That being said, I don't regret getting out. It took many years for me to understand that the WB&TS is a cult and that there wasn't something so bad about me that Jehovah would have me cast out. I do miss my mom, but my husband would've killed me had I stayed. I'm alive and have made a decent life in the past 21 years. You have to decide what is best for you based on your circumstances. IMHO, fade if you can, da if you must, and don't be ashamed if they df you.
I wrote a letter to DA 11 years ago - despite being third generation jdub. Best thing I ever did.
Was I shunned by JW family and friends? You betcha. Do I care? Not on your life.
Most of my JW family members finally faded out anyway, and I made new friends! Life can be good, you just need to start living it.
Its amazing how good I felt making a fresh start. My marriage ended too and so I never felt better. I was able to push the reset button on everything in my life at once. Starting over completely, yet still having the best of my former life: my job, my daughter, and all the knowledge and experience of forty years. Wow! I have never felt better. I now do things right, make wise choices and enjoy the blessings. I'm saying this to make the point that its possible to be happier than you have ever been AFTER the JW's.
Isaac Carmignani