12 ex-JWs at church yesterday...

by passwordprotected 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • passwordprotected

    As reported elsewhere on the forum, there were 12 ex-JWs at our baptism service yesterday. Yes. TWELVE.

    It was quite an experience to hear about an ex-JW who had moved to another part of the country and had written down 150 names of JWs in the area of Glasgow she was originally from and had started praying for all those names last summer. Two of the people on her list were at the church yesterday, with their wives and children. One of them, along with his wife, was getting baptised.

    Another couple, who have never been witnesses, told us that they began praying for the Kingdom Hall we all used to attend. They started doing this just over a year ago. Guess what? 9 of the ex-JWs who were at the service yesterday used to attend that very Kingdom Hall.

    Also in attendance were ex-JWs from Falkirk and Tillicoutry, all of whom had exited the Watch Tower Society and turned to Jesus.

    On a personal note, I can't remember anything quite like this in my lifetime, so many Witnesses exiting around the same time from the same Kingdom Hall. It must surely be rattling cages among the Witness community locally.

    Whether all 9 of the local ex-JWs who were at church yesterday to see the baptism will become Christians remains to be seen. But the point is they were in a church!! That alone shows they've managed to untie the WTS shackles on their minds, and that makes me proud of them all.

  • JWdaughter


  • PanzerZauberei


  • boyzone

    Thats brilliant news! It goes to show just how many are really leaving, not just with their feet but their minds too. No wonder the Society are so desperate that their statements about apostates are getting more and more extreme.

    Made my day.

  • passwordprotected

    @ boyzone - I agree. We can only expect the WTS to get more extreme in their vilification of former Witnesses. But I'm convinced that this vilification will jar with sincere JWs who know for a fact that those of us who have left aren't the Satanic stewards of filth that the Society says we are.

  • Marjorie

    This is great news, especially for the children!

    Less families = less sacrificial lambs for the Society's twisted dogma!

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Less families = less sacrificial lambs for the Society's twisted dogma!

    Important point Marjorie! It is up to the free will of adult JWs to to live in or to seek the strenght to break free, but I feel very sad for the youngsters - few days ago 12 years boy in our KH commented during WT study "we are so happy to be JW, because we are the only honest people in the world, all the other people are just lying and stealing ..." I felt so bad to see he is completely brainwashed and he really believe in what he hears home ... Kids are so easy to deceive I am happy to hear about each saved kid ...


  • passwordprotected

    @ Albert - at one of my last meetings a 7 year old boy answered the following, "All the boys at school are bad and are going to die at Armageddon". I can't tell you how stunned I was that this was viewed as an acceptable statement from a 7 year old kid. The Witnesses view comments like this as being 'expressions of faith'. Well, I'm sorry but I don't want my children raised with a faith that rejoices over the slaughter of billions of innocent children.

    You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

  • sacolton

    I believe the Holy Spirit is hard at work to deliver these people out of a cult.

    Acts 13:48

    When the gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord. Meanwhile, all who had been destined to eternal life believed, and the word of the Lord began to spread throughout the whole region.

  • passwordprotected

    @ sacolton - yep, I believe we're on the verge of something big happening in our area.

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