All communities have standards.
Are WE just as bad as the WT? If we show intolerance and banning/shunning?
by leavingwt 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
keyser soze
I agree that sometimes people with differing opinions are treated harshly. But who has been given the boot? Most people who leave here do so voluntarily. The mods step in only when forum rules are being violated.
This board doesn't claim to be the only way to everlasting life.
This board doesn't say who you can or cannot associate with.
The WT claims that everyone can get along if they just apply bible principles, whereas in fact, that is a bunch of hogwash.
Lady Lee
OK gonna stick my foot in it
You've made 59 posts. Believe me you don't know how tolerant we mods are. And how many chances people have been given.
We do not restrict people at the drop of a hat. We actually prefer people play nice, follow the rules and POST. When people prove REPEATEDLY that they cannot do that they get restrictions put on their posting limits. Once those limits are lifted if they go right back to not playing nice in the sandbox they lost the right to play nice with the others in the sandbox.
This isn't a kingdom hall. We don't play by their rules. But the riles are simple and boil down to being respectful of each other and the fact that Simon keeps this board open for us. I'm almost positive there are many days he would prefer to close the JWD doors and let it go.
And about that shunning part. We place no restrictions whatsoever on people talking to others who no longer post here. You can leave. You can come back. You can post on 2 or more boards at the same time. No shunning.
I don't mind some heated debate but generally speaking I like the golden rule.
I try to follow the forum rules and am apologetic (publically and privately) if I over step them or if someone feels I have wronged them.
I know that exposure on this forum has helped me to better understand the social fabric of WTS land as well as the world outside of WTS land.
I think majority of us can and do agree to disagree.
I hope you stay and if you don't then please leave a fowarding forum addy because I have enjoyed many of your postings.
I am still fuzzy on the Iloowy thing but I miss him and others.
All people have their moments, misunderstandings happen and much can easily be resolved with apologies, cooled tempers, and extended olive branches.
rolling rock
Actually I was almost just given the boot by AK-Jeff
buzkid writes:
But I'm not calling into question the individual cases where this is happening
and then twice brings up "The ILOOWY situation".
Every social group or business (JWD/JWN fits into both categories) has rules. If you don't follow the rules, your privileges are revoked. If a friend has their credit card revoked, do you go to their bank and demand an explanation? Even if you did, does the bank owe you an explanation, or is there a confidentiality issue regarding your friend's use of their credit card, payments, etc.?
The forum assistants/moderators are likewise not in a position to discuss The ILOOWY situation with anyone but ILOOWY. However, I will say that ILOOWY's communication with me was completely inappropriate and facilitated the decision-making process immensely. Please note, however, that ILOOWY has been able to post here as recently as 12/31/2008 after JWN picked up the mantle from JWD.
The rules are posted at the bottom of the page on every post, under the box where you post. You will find them if you scroll past the posting box--every single time. And they are pretty clear--no insulting others, using foul language, spamming, or otherwise ruining the forum for other users. Each and every one of the rules has a valid purpose, and you are generally warned before being suspended or banned.
As for the Washtowel, they have rules that continually change. Each time you get a new washtowel or Kingdumb Misery, they could change the rules in subtle ways to trap the unsuspecting. They clamp down on control, they make the appearance of loosening up here, they intensify the "you are not doing enough", they change the dress code, and the like. You are required to accept and teach whatever lies the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger puts out until they change it, and then you are required to teach whatever new teaching they come up with. If you do not obey the rules, you may or may not get a warning. And, they will cut you off from your family and ruin your life.
The last time I checked the rules, they were almost exactly the same as they were almost 2 years ago when I first signed up. The rules around here do not change, and unless you do something huge like posting kiddie porn, you are not going to get in trouble outside this forum for breaking the rules. The worst you can get, short of doing something illegal, is banned from this board--you can still post on other boards, or you can start your own board and make your own rules. Try that at the Kingdumb Hell.
Hey buzkid. As you can see, I'm a newb. I do sympathize with you and all, but this being an open forum promoting expression,i thought i might take minute to do that. Of course, with hopes of putting things together for some sort of clarity and understanding with regards the topic or thread. If i offend, I truly mean none.I understand where your coming from, but you have a personal stake in this particular situation in which you speak of. I admire your loyalty to your friend , as seen in the way you desperately want to defend iloowy in one form or another. Naturally, it's nice to have friends, and beyond that, it's a nice feeling knowing you have one anothers back to boot. So, kudo's to you for your effort.
foremost, this "we" and contrasting it to the WT. Are you a little caught up in the emotion of the current situation perhaps? I ask this only cause you seem a little charged up. "This post is about the character and tolerance WE show and how that compares with the WT." Come on. Seriously, you sound just like the WT. Your grouping the "WE" in here to include everyone, and would ideally like everyone to support your idea of an ideal arrangement. That is exactly why this site exists, cause that very idea is flawed. While I'm not familiar with the iloowy situation, I'm quite sure no one is telling him or her HOW to live their life, or to wear a dress or tie while posting. I can see you in my minds eye right now buzkid, walking past a restaurant with a "no shoes, no shirt, no service" sign posted on the door. You have it opened, with your head stuck inside, yelling " HEY, EVERYONE has the right to eat ya know!".
I feel for ya. It's awsome to see some real emotion. Sorry that your feelings are affected to such a large degree and hope you find the place in you to be settled about this.
rolling rock
Buzkid, Is this the first forum you have ever posted on?
Let me tell you. This forum is vary tame compared to most.
I also think that trying to compare JWD/N to the JW dogma is just ridicules!