Book study comment on DF'ing tonight SUCKED!!!

by maryacclaim 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • maryacclaim

    So I went to the meeting tonight with my mom, cuz she's visiting. I know I know, that's my first mistake.

    So, they're going over this part on disfellowshipping, and they start going on and on about how it's Jehovah's love for the congregation that "HE DISFELLOWSHIPS."

    Yeah so its not the organization that disfellowships, its Jehovah. Right.

    Then this lady answers with, "The reason why we wouldn't associate with a DF'd person is much like if we had a child doing drugs, smoking and having sex in our house, we wouldn't want our other children playing with them."


    I guess if your little johnny asked you why you were letting dad have sex with the kids in the family, and you said because no one else see's him do it and you're gonna need more than just each kid saying that dad is having sex with them for you to believe it. So, of course little johnny says that you sound screwed up or at least you're an enabler to a pedophile. That's it! You're not allowed to talk to the other kids cuz you're a slanderer and devisive. You know johnny, you're as bad as a drug using, smoking, sexoholic. Get out!!!

    Sometimes I do get really sick at the meetings.

  • quietlyleaving

    yup they have it all worked out.

    Then this lady answers with, "The reason why we wouldn't associate with a DF'd person is much like if we had a child doing drugs, smoking and having sex in our house, we wouldn't want our other children playing with them."

    even in that situation a parent wouldn't think of cutting off other children from playing with that child. What does that say about Jehovah.

    Its comments like the ones above that made me decide to stop going completely.

  • jeeprube

    What can you say, they're sick. The longer you're out the more you realize JW's are not worth your time. Once you entirely divorce yourself from the need of any association with your former JW friends and family, all the power and control they had over your life is gone.

    Ultimately the DFing process is the greatest gift the GB ever gave us. It forces us to survive on our own, apart from their control. Once you learn that you can survive on your own the charade is over.

  • maryacclaim

    During the Service Meeting section last night, they had a part on youths. The speaker goes on about how young ones need to really search out the truth and prove it to themselves. He said they should do diligent research and make sure they truly believe what they are learning.

    So I, of course, am floored. Is the organization finally teaching this? Could they really want smart people in the Society doing their own research?

    Well, unfortunately, he kept talking.

    He went onto explain... "That's why the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" have provided us with so many research tools like the CD-ROM, NWT and all the others, so you can truly get a good understanding for yourself."

    Yep! That'll do. Get going on the research kids. Another outstanding job on getting to the meat of things.

    Back a few years ago, when I talked to the Elders once about my husband and his beliefs, I had told them that the Pastor, at the Born Again christian group he was attending, was very much against our teachings and had some bad things to say about us. The elders went on to say that, "other religions get really ticked off if you do any outside research, because they know they're wrong about what they are teaching."

    Funny how IRONIC that conversation is to me now.

  • Fadeout

    Yes, make sure you do your research... be sure to read the ninth edition of the Newspeak dictionary.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Jeeprude wrote, "Once you learn that you can survive on your own the charade is over."

    So true!

  • Balsam

    It is the perfect brain washing comment, this discipline comes from God and man is only following the direction given by their God. It is the technique high control religious groups use. And it works because it makes people believe that God is the author of this authorized action.

    Funny thing is the scriptures quoted are not even written by the apostles but by the later followers and the books have been attributed to certain men who had once walked with Jesus, or Paul or the apostles. If anyone believing in the bible would just do research on how we came to have the so called new testament they would have second thoughts about believing in it as something to guild their life upon. Sad really Bart Erhman's books on the new testament writings woke me up.

    If I'd had sat through that meeting I would have laughed out loud at the utter stupidity of the comments they made. Wow sad thing is people actually believe that bull droppings.


  • blondie

    It always has amazed me how correctly jws answer at the meetings but then............if they have a df'd child or close relative they like, how they find ways around associating with them.

    "necessary family business"

    *** w07 1/15 p. 20 Remaining Steadfast When a Child Rebels ***While caring for necessary family matters may require some contact with the disfellowshipped person, a Christian parent should strive to avoid needless association.

    *** w83 1/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***Of course, the grandparents have to determine if some necessary family matters require limited contact with the disfellowshipped children. And they might sometimes have the grandchildren visit them.

    *** w81 9/15 p. 29 par. 18 If a Relative Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***The second situation that we need to consider is that involving a disfellowshiped or disassociated relative who is not in the immediate family circle or living at one’s home. Such a person is still related by blood or marriage, and so there may be some limited need to care for necessary family matters.

    *** w70 6/1 pp. 351-352 Questions From Readers ***Again, the disfellowshiping does not dissolve the flesh-and-blood ties, but, in this situation, contact, if it were necessary at all, would be much more rare than between persons living in the same home. Yet, there might be some absolutelynecessary family matters requiring communication, such as legalities over a will or property.

    *** w70 6/1 p. 352 Questions From Readers ***But until that happens, faithful Christians have an obligation to uphold the disfellowshiping action by avoiding association with the disfellowshiped individual. If that one is a relative living outside the home, they will try to have no fellowship with him at all. And if some unavoidable and absolutely necessary family matter comes up, they will keep contact with that one to a bare minimum, definitely not having any interchange of thoughts on spiritual matters.

    *** w63 7/15 p. 443 Family Responsibilities in Keeping Jehovah’s Worship Pure ***The disfellowshiping of a relative does not cancel out natural blood ties. However, it would be well to appreciate that only the contacts absolutely necessary in matters pertaining to family interests should be carried on with one who is disfellowshiped and who lives outside the family circle.

  • JWdaughter

    I did my due diligence as a child about 25+ years ago. I then left. And I didn't need to read any 'apostate literature' to do it. Just the Bible. Whether or not you believe in the Bible, the WT is contradictory to much of it in their teachings.

  • longlineryder

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