Nathan Knorr ignored me.

by refiners fire 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I once saw Princess Diana. It was in a Nunawading street when her and Charlie came here in 83 after the bushfires. I was stood in the middle of a roundabout, away from the crowds, and she looked into my eyes, smiled and waved. A moments contact with the divine.
    I once got close to Nathan Knorr. He came out here to an international assembly in Melbourne, and everyone was very excited..."The PRESIDENT!!".
    Australians felt like second rate world citizens in those days.
    Nate spoke on the stage at night, and I will never forget his appearance.Like a radiant being. He had on a blue suit, but it was no ordinary blue suit, it must have had some reflective thread sewn in with the material, for it reflected electric blue light like the glow of the Shekinah.Im sure he must have worn it deliberately for effect.Before he stopped speaking my brother and I left the assemblage and snuck out back, behind the stage. There was a road way and a gate. We figured he might pass that way and there was noone else there. Sure enough, he came off stage, climbed straight into a very nice black car and headed for the gate.We waved as he passed.
    The son of a bitch ignored us. Can you believe that?

    Last week I went to see dear old mum. She hasnt been to a meeting in 3 years and fell away from attendance because of personal slights by brothers in the congregation.25 year old sister Beth didnt get out of her chair to let old sister Mabel sit down.Was that true Christian love?
    I was there and happened, during the course of discussion, to describe the Watchtower leaders as "faceless men ruling over faceless followers"
    Mummy rose up, red faced, spluttering.
    "Thats NOT true!" she cried.Anguish on her face.
    "Oh you KNOW thats not true, why you could get on a plane right now, fly to headquarters and go ask to see the president and he would welcome you with open arms".
    I thought about that.
    Visualized it.

    I go to New York, walk up to Headquarters reception, and tell the receptionist Ive flown from Australia and want to see Uncle Milt.
    She smiles sweetly, offers me a cup of tea and goes to get Milt baby.
    I have to wait a couple minutes, then Milt comes down, his hand reaching out for what I thinks going to be a handshake. But Im wrong. He embraces me.....a fond smile on his face.

    I come out of the vision.

    Thats how deluded my mother is....

  • Farkel

    Milt is braindead, btw. Alzheimer's or a kin mental debilitating disease.

    : Sure enough, he came off stage, climbed straight into a very nice black car and headed for the gate.We waved as he passed.
    The son of a bitch ignored us. Can you believe that?

    Yep. Ask Gary Botting about his experience with "Brother Noah" (sic) when Gary was 12 years old. Better yet, get his (and Heather's book) The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses. It's in paperback, very reasonably priced, and WELL worth the read.

    Heck the pictures from the WT magazines and books are worth the price of the book alone.

    Nathan Knorr was a cold-hearted son-of-a-bitch-no-nonsense-non-charasmatic-boring-busines-driven-asshole.

    Hyphen Class

    "I didn't mean what I meant. Oh, heck. YES I did!"

  • Prisca

    Princess Diana was a caring and sweet creature. She went a little nutty, but then, I think any woman in the scrutiny of the media like she was, would have. So too with being married to a man who had other lovers (Camilla P-B, Lady Tyron to name a few). I still remember where I was and what I was doing when I heard she died. She touched the hearts of millions.

    I once heard Milton give a talk many years ago. A tall, lanky kind of man. Sounded younger than his years. I have mixed feelings about his getting old and sick. It's not something any of us are looking forward to. But I hope that with his passing, younger generations may come in, and make life a little more bearable for those still trapped in the WTS.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    It has been said, and I can well believe it, that some journo in America sent unsolicited mail, disguising himself as a simple fan,
    to hundreds of famous people and the ONLY one who responded in handwriting was our Di.And it was written on Palace stationery.
    Nice lady.

    Orwellian world was a good book brother Farkel.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Refiner'sFire - please accept my long-delayed apologies for my behavior during the brief time I was manifest in the flesh. I hope you will set this offense behind you so that we can become good buddies. In fact, if you go fishing sometime, I'll come along - in spirit, of course.

    Farkel - I think you'll agree that now, post-mortem and granted my reward, my personality is much improved. I just can't believe how friggin' DARK ot is here! Jeezus!

    yes, i was an asshole, but that's behind me now. in fact it was always behind me, wasn't it?


    NN,you shit,LOL,is that Nathan Knorrs pic!I thought I regognised it but I could never place it!Com`on you bugger is that his pic?LOL..MERRY CHRISTMAS NATHAN NATAS...OUTLAW

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Yep, none other! it's me! It's me!


    Oh man,that is soooooooooo funny!Thanks for the reply NN...OUTLAW

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    God. It is NATE. I see now. Nathan Natas. Satan.
    What does all this mean??
    Why is it happening now?.....(spins out)

  • Outaservice


    Why do you keep 'beating around the bush' about how you feel about Nathan Knorr?

    Just come out and say it! Ha.

    Outaservice (used to Out-In-Service)

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