Nathan Knorr ignored me.

by refiners fire 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Nathan Natis,

    Here you are, your very own picture:

    I cropped this picture because alongside you was Maximus. Certain assholes on this board hurt my friend Maximus. I don't like that.

    You are demonized, Nathan. At least you LOOK demonized!

    Check out his eyes: the eyes are "the window to the soul." NHK had no soul. If anyone was demonized, HE was demonized. Maybe not. Maybe so.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I think he looks like the guy behind him just slipped a finger into his asshole and he cant decide whether he likes it or should disfellowship the guy.

  • belbab

    A while back just after 9/11 when much discussion was going on about terrorists sending suicide pilots to death, I posted a question on this board: Go there, and DIE THERE,if necessary. I asked who said this, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Husein, Osama Ben Ladin? No one answered the post and asked about it, and I forgot about it til I came across this post. You guessed it.

    The exact words, Go to your assignments and DIE there if necessary!!

    These words spoken to the thirty-fourth class of Gilead in 1960 were spoken by none other than NATHAN KNORR

    belbab, god is my witness

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Why Farkels photoshot was taken a micro second after the words "die if necessary" exited Nates lips.
    And the applause is thundering....

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Farkel, thanks for the picture! Boy, that brought back memories! Aparently the RefinersFire has been consulting the Holy Spirit, for how else could he have known the circumstances of that photo? Yes, it was at that moment that the Bethel proctologist and my very good friend Dr. Hans Fister conducted an unscheduled examination of my lower gastrointestinal tract. I love that guy, he was such a kidder!

    I'll continue to use my more formal Bethel portrait, though, because i think it projects the dignity I like to think was mine.

    Tell our friend "Maximus" I said, "Howdy, stranger!"

  • Yadirf


    I cropped this picture because alongside you was Maximus. Certain assholes on this board hurt my friend Maximus. I don't like that.
    I have trouble telling whether or not you're serious at times, Farkel. I do know that Maximus had served in the capacity of a DO at one time, and so probably was around NK at times. But was Maximus really originally a part of that photo you posted here, or not? Please set my curiousity at ease, won't you. Did you really crop Max's picture out of the photo. I understand that was the necessary thing to do anyway since it would give his identity away, and I know he doesn't want that. But was the photo taken with Maximus in it? Do you hate me enough to not tell me?


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • larc


    I have two pictures of Maximus with Knorr, that Maximus sent to me. So, yes Maximus did spend time in the company of Knorr. Maximus was a very handsome young man when the pictures were taken.

  • proplog2

    I think Knorr's eyes were bugging out do to Graves disease (thyroid problem).

  • Farkel


    Yes, that picture is of Knorr and Maximus. I won't reveal Maximus because I don't have permission.

    BTW, I don't hate you at all, you curmudgeon. I often hate what you say, but I certainly don't hate you. Especially when you're on proper meds!


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • Yadirf

    Thanks Farkel.

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

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