I went to the Memorial this year(just to get rid my mothers complaining that I didn't attend)I feld that I wasted an hour. Same old yada yada. I just can't get it how we are getting benifit from Jesus sacrifice by just attending there!!!I mean will this "ceremony"would make Him happy, seeing all those attendants just passing by the Wine and the Bread?
And another thing, since I'm Greek: How can they translate Jesus words "touton estin" THIS IS, to symbolize. Jesus said THIS IS MY BODY AND THIS IS MY BLOOD, there was no symbolical meaning to this words. That is why for the Orthodox Church the Holy communion is consider to be one of the Mysteries of the Christian Church.
Any how I saw some old friends(that I couldn't talked)and the persons who talked to me were some 'wordly" friends that they happened to attend.
JustHuman14 formely known justhuman