I am about to leave for the Memorial in a few minutes. Family and friends in, you know.
I was raised "in the truth." I grew up really thinking the Memorial was such a big deal. Even when I was older and I gave the Memorial talk (In foreign countries missionaries get to do it) I really felt it was important.
I would think about Jesus Christ and all he did for us. I would think of the anointed and how they are being used by Jehovah. I would do the pre-Memorial Bible reading.
I know many on here feel differently, calling it the "reject Jesus" meeting and other terms like that. And I know now that it isn't what I thought it was.
But maybe some of you can remember a time when the Memorial was important to you, the most important meeting of the year. WE REALLY BELIEVED IT, and if someone criticized us, remember what we would say about them?