I always loved the Memorial

by BonaFide 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    I am about to leave for the Memorial in a few minutes. Family and friends in, you know.

    I was raised "in the truth." I grew up really thinking the Memorial was such a big deal. Even when I was older and I gave the Memorial talk (In foreign countries missionaries get to do it) I really felt it was important.

    I would think about Jesus Christ and all he did for us. I would think of the anointed and how they are being used by Jehovah. I would do the pre-Memorial Bible reading.

    I know many on here feel differently, calling it the "reject Jesus" meeting and other terms like that. And I know now that it isn't what I thought it was.

    But maybe some of you can remember a time when the Memorial was important to you, the most important meeting of the year. WE REALLY BELIEVED IT, and if someone criticized us, remember what we would say about them?


  • Yesterdays Child
    Yesterdays Child

    Me too Nisan 14 our only holiday.I have been out for 30 years and now don't miss it. Wife ask me if i wanted to go tonight . Not me I' finally free

  • BurnTheShips

    I believed it. I was raised in it. I didn't know anything else.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    When I was "in" I was as true a beliver as possible. 18 years, full throttle.

    Having said that, the Memorial made me nervous. I didn't like it. I could never say why, but it just felt wrong. I don't know, maybe because of all the fuss or because all these fake Witnesses would show up for their annual visit. But it felt like something I just had to get through.

  • Quandry

    I would think about Jesus Christ and all he did for us. I would think of the anointed and how they are being used by Jehovah. I would do the pre-Memorial Bible reading.

    I felt the same way. Tried to read all the pre-memorial readings. Thought it was the most important night of the year for over thirty years.

    I will be the first to say that I don't know what to believe anymore. I still read about Jesus and think that he was the kindest of men, and a real lover of God.

    But I don't go to the Khall anymore, and will never again. I don't want to add my attendance to the JWs all-important memorial attenders numbers.

  • OnTheWayOut

    After the first couple of years, I was on my way up the kiss-ass ladder to elder, so I was only interested in the Memorial as a critique of the brother's style in the talk. Once I gave the talk, I was only interested in comparing how I could improve it. Otherwise, it's just a stupid meeting about rejecting the emblems and reinforcing JW doctrine.


    It`s great when your 5 and you get to pass a glass of wine.................."Look mommy!!..I don`t crap my pants any more..And.. I can pass a glass of wine!!..Yipee!!".....................................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • parakeet

    But maybe some of you can remember a time when the Memorial was important to you, the most important meeting of the year. WE REALLY BELIEVED IT, and if someone criticized us, remember what we would say about them?

    I never liked the Memorial unless it fell on an ordinary meeting night. That meant only 3 meetings that week instead of 4. I did sort of believe it, but I was in my teens and believed any stupid thing my parents and the elders told me to believe.

    If someone criticized us, I do remember what was said -- "Too bad they're not going to survive Armageddon" -- and said with more smugness than regret.

  • oompa

    i never loved it.....but just went like any other meeting until the last dozen years when i loathed it....too creepy....oompa

  • StoneWall

    I hear ya BonaFide!

    I have to admit that every year when the memorial rolled around I kinda looked forward to it. Friends and family that

    never came to any of the other meetings would be there for this one and we would always go out afterwards as a group

    to a restaurant or even like a Pizza Hut and set around the table and laugh and talk about all kinds of things going on

    in each others lives. And as pointed out on other threads you usually got a new suit if you were a guy or a

    new dress if you were a girl and got to show it off and feel special for a day.(this was big since we didn't celebrate b-days)

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