Can a jw get disfellowshiped for eating easter eggs?

by badboy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    There is no clear-cut rule against eating Easter eggs (or Halloween or Christmas candy). However, they work around that by their "stumbling others" crap. You could be "stumbling others" if you eat that kind of food, making them think it might be acceptable (or even that you are celebrating whatever holiday the food represents), and so you may in fact be hounded for doing it.

  • dobbie

    yeah i remember i was stumbled when i went to a jws house and they all got the hot x buns out and ate them in front of me! But i was told these things were fine if eaten after xmas/easter etc as the food had already been sacrificed to idols or something!Cheesed me off tho to think i'd been avoiding one of my favorite foods!

  • minimus

    Easter egg candy is ok (the day after).

  • badboy



    You can eat the Eater Egg.. Egg Painting ..And..The Bunny that laid it!! Bunny .................................. Hungry ...OUTLAW

  • rebel8

    There's a thread about eating leftover Memorial crackers too. One would think it'd be permitted to eat leftover crackers if leftover eggs are ok....but we're talking about the wts--no consistency.

  • Purza

    We always bought "holiday" food because it was cheaper that time of the year. But I have never heard of anyone being DF'd for eating eggs on easter, or turkey on Thanksgiving. But then again, maybe two witnesses didn't see someone eating holiday food.


  • carla

    My jw steals from kids Easter baskets, Christmas stockings, Halloween bags and of course eats Birthday cake but will not sing Happy Birthday. Me & kids find it really quite funny that he resorts to stealing the forbidden holiday foods instead of just asking for it. If he wasn't a jw the Easter Bunny would bring him a basket like he always used to get, Santa would fill his stocking instead of leaving it up on the fireplace all by it's lonesome now, and he could dress up and go to fun Halloween parties like we used to!

    He never touched the Easter eggs we colored that had a cross or scripture on though! Humpty Dumpty, bunnies and designs were ok I guess.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yesterday at work I ate Easter eggs and hot crossed buns with butter......Pagans have more fun! God bless worldly work mates!

  • chickpea

    an elderly couple (he was the PO for decades)
    from the KH i attended ALWAYS had seasonal
    candy after the fact....

    they were cheap frugal and only bought it when
    the price was close to give-away reasonable

    who the hell knew M&Ms came in easter egg pastels??

    oh yeah! same for hershey kisses in xmas green/red....


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