only wondering
Can a jw get disfellowshiped for eating easter eggs?
by badboy 19 Replies latest jw friends
Doubt it.
See, most Jehovah's Witnesses have this mental loophole or double-life where they won't directly participate in Birthdays or Holidays, but they will eat the left-over food without any guilt. Which is strange because I remember the teaching of Daniel and how he didn't eat any of the food offered by Nebakanezer because it was tainted with pagan worship. Wouldn't that be the same view as eatting a "pagan" Christmas dinner or birthday cake? It should. I recall my wifes JW family participating in the Thanksgiving dinner at a relatives house. They had no problem with it. Some JWs will fix themselves a plate of leftovers from a birthday party at the office ... or have a family friend bring them a plate of leftovers from a holiday dinner. These "loop holes" give most JWs some feeling of normalcy - which is understandable, but it goes against the very teaching of the Watchtower.
Only if they aren't cooked.....
I always ate chocolate Easter bunnies, and never hid the fact from anyone. No one gave me a hard time for that. They were too busy counseling me for wearing a bright tie.
Can a jw get disfellowshiped for eating easter eggs?
Oh Maybe that is why I got kicked off of here I ate two......
just do not eat the eggs on easter, just do it another day!
Not if they eat them the day after Easter. Or their non-jw father or husband orders them to do so.
The Berean
Only if Easter falls during "that time of the month"
The rule here is....
- Do not eat them on Easter day
- Remove shells and discard before going to the table, so they don't look holiday-ish on your plate
- Do not, whatever you do, make Deviled Eggs! It is not Christian to nickname foods after Satan, even kiddingly! Call them something else if you must make them. (No Devil's Food Cake, either.)
There's always a way round every no-no. Don't eat a turkey dinner and plum pudding at christmas, but after christmas is fine, then it becomes just "food". Don't eat easter eggs at easter but after is ok as its "just chocolate". Don't wish happy birthday and eat cake when everyone else does, but take a slice home in a napkin and eat it later, nobody will know. Don't celebrate your birthday, just the anniversary of your birth instead. Don't let your kids make christmas cards at school but they can do a snowman card instead as it's a "winter" picture and not exclusively christmas.
Easter eggs in a box is a definate no-no, but cadbury's creme eggs or a packet of mini eggs are fine as they're only small so they don't really count. Unless they decorate a simnel cake then they do count. Oh, wait, if the cadbury's creme egg is on its own it doesn't count, but if it comes in a packet of 3 then it does count. No, hang on, if the egg is wrapped in coloured foil and is given to you as part of a easter gift whether that be singly or as part of a packet of 3 then it counts. If you buy them yourself with no elder or zealous pioneer sister watching you, stuff your face until you feel sick, hide the packet and wrappings so nobody knows, then it doesn't count.
Is that clear?