How To Choose the Best Translation of the Bible; Guess Which One Wins?

by passwordprotected 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • passwordprotected

    Of course, they fail to mention adding word like [other], [union] and the name Jehovah to the inspired text.

    Tut, tut, more intellectual dishonest from the "faithful and discreet" slave who never runs ahead of Jehovah.

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken

    I went up to visit my Jw gran in hospital who I was told was close to death, and my grandfather asked my about my views and why I didn't like the nwt?

    Strange eh?

    He seemed almost obsessed by it.

    He then asked my gran who was struggling to breathe what was the finest translation in the world?

    She then croaked out " The new world translation".

    It is a vile distortion of the Bible and the above demonstrated the fanatical blind adherence to that piece of anti-Christian Bile.


  • Roddy

    Of course, they fail to mention adding word like [other], [union] and the name Jehovah to the inspired text.

    Tut, tut, more intellectual dishonest from the "faithful and discreet" slave who never runs ahead of Jehovah.

    Sometimes they do make sense.

    After all, if there is no quesiton that the name of God appears in the Old Testament then one has to wonder why quotes of that same Old Testament verses in the New Testament substitutes the same name of God to a title.

  • reniaa

    lol 1 john 5:7 ring a bell?


    'Lord' in hebrew scriptures.

    Would people know what 'grace' - undeserved kindness means now? or 'saint' = chosen one or church = congregation in meaning.

    All translations reflect the beliefs of the translator but we are fortunate to have quite early versions to look back on and recheck for ourselves. I like the NWT which while it may seem wordy in places is quite understandable and strictly accurate in some major areas. A person will pick what he likes from personal preference but we are fortunate in that most are very similar and I can make my points with any bible translation. For sake of ex-witnesses I generally use NIV on here.

  • JeffT


    Millions of Christians around the world understand the word "grace" quite clearly - almost certianly better than you do. I doubt anybody other than a Jehovah's Witness knows what you mean by "undeserved kindness."

    The term "saint" is open to interpretation, but many would not equate it with chosen.

    The Church, as used by mainstream Christians is something entirely different from "congregation."

    I rather suspect you've received all of your knowledge of modern Christianity from the pages of the watchtower, which is a bit like getting an understanding of Judaism from Adolf Hitler.

  • passwordprotected

    2 billion Christians around the world know what grace means. Are you actually trying to sound ignorant? Research what Barclay said about the NWT, it'll open your eyes.

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken

    @ Reniaa

    It's nice that you lower yourself to use the NIV for our humble selves on this forum full of ignorant, god-forsaken ill-educated people who probably don't even own more than the one Bible.

    Why don't you try reading your NIV without the veil over your eyes .

    You might learn something about the message of scripture . like the insulting wts tract asks "what does the bible REALLY teach?"


  • isaacaustin

    Yeah...the NWT right off the bat....237 mistranslations in the NT.

    The NWT is not the first to use Jehovah in the OT...the ASV did this at the turn of the century- 50 years before the NWT.

  • isaacaustin

    Would people know what 'grace' - undeserved kindness means now? or 'saint' = chosen one or church = congregation in meaning.

    Yes, Reniaa. Only JWs do not know what this means. And their use of 'undeserved kindness' is used to guilt members to follw the focuses negatively instead of focusing on what Jesus did.

  • sir82
    All translations reflect the beliefs of the translator


    You should blow up the above statement to 72 point font, print it out, and tape it above your bathroom mirror.

    You're making progress. In a few short years I suspect you will be joining us on the "dark side".


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