Silliest thing that Witnesses told you was wrong?

by gilwarrior 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DIM

    an elder once told me that the beatles pre-REVOLVER were OK, but Revolver and after was all demonic!

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

  • Yerusalyim


    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Farkel

    The lovely song "We'll Sing in the Sunshine" by Gail Garnet was banned for us. So was "Lightning Strikes." The Beatles were considered off limits, too. Dancing the "Twist" was forbidden, and so was playing chess. It was a "war game."

    As one posted already commented, "What a crock of shit!"


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • AMarie

    Here are the ones that I can think of right away:

    We were never allowed to wear denim skirts to the meeting. It didn't matter if they were modest, just the fact that they were GASP....DENIM, made them inappropriate to wear to the hall. I had an elder's wife corner me in the hall when I was 10 yrs old or so and give me a 15 minute lecture about how disrespectful my denim skirt was.

    Also, we had a CO for a few years that would preach from the platform that sister's skirts should be AT LEAST two inched below the knee, no shorter. He preached it like it was written in the Bible somewhere!

    And last but not least, the JWs I knew sometime preached against songs that "sounded" demonic. Their lyrics might be OK, but by god, Satan was trying to stumble you with it's demonic sound!!! When I was a teenager, I was into Alice in Chains, and I especially liked that song, I stay away, if anybody here is familiar. When my mother heard the "demonic sound" of that song, she comfiscated my CD and tossed it in the trash.


  • Billygoat

    I remember my dad saying The Police's song "Every Breath you Take" was demonized. Also, Irene Cara's "Flashdance" was a bad one. I wasn't allowed to watch Bewitched or Jeannie either. Or Caspar or Smurfs. I wasn't even allowed to watch Showtunes since they condoned violence. Blech. What a crock of crap! Makes me mad now that I think about it.

    *shaking head*


  • LDH

    Ha ha, what a trip down memory lane.

    How about this one--NO LEGWARMERS Apparently, they looked like your underwear had fallen down around your ankles and you were just waiting!!! to have sex.

    No shit.

    I had to abide by all these rules and then some. They'll come to me, unfortunately. Gimme some time.


  • Gozz

    Lisa, welcome back!

    Awake March 22 1973, Page 14
    Chess-What Kind of Game Is It?

    Some chess players have recognized the harm that can result from playing the game. According to The Encyclopædia Britannica, the religious reformer “John Huss, . . . when in prison, deplored his having played at chess, whereby he had lost time and run the risk of being subject to violent passions.”

    The extreme fascination of chess can result in its consuming large amounts of one’s time and attention to the exclusion of more important matters, apparently a reason Huss regretted having played the game. Also, in playing it there is the danger of “stirring up competition with one another,” even developing hostility toward another, something the Bible warns Christians to avoid doing.
    Then, too, grown-ups may not consider it proper for children to play with war toys, or at games of a military nature. Is it consistent, then, that they play a game noted to be, in the opinion of some, an “intellectualized equivalent of the maneuvers enacted by little boys with toy soldiers”? What effect does playing chess really have upon one? Is it a wholesome effect?

    Surely chess is a fascinating game. But there are questions regarding it that are good for each one who plays chess to consider.

  • myMichelle

    When trying to explain how the death of Jesus paid for Adam's sin, the Elder conducting my husband's study, said that men carry all the life in their sperm and that is why his death was an equal price. All of Jesus's unborn children.

    When my husband and I looked at him like he had lost his mind, he went into this explanation of how the sperm had all the life, because under a microscope one could see it moving all around whilst the egg remained stationary.

    I dunno about the rest of y'all, but that struck me as pretty darned funny.

    OH! I almost forgot, the rule of men sitting next to women only when they are married, engaged or family members. Downright hysterical.


  • radar

    Mini skirts were out!

    Wearing one was an invitation to have sex at any time of the day.

    This is what our presiding overseer said in one public Talk. I believe he quoted "Mary Quant!the inventor of the mini skirt in this regard.


    Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams

  • cynicus

    Lilacs: I think you have the Witless and Jerry Falwell mixed up.

    On 10th. February, 1999 the National Liberty Journal in the USA published an article entitled "Parents Alert: Tinky Winky Comes out of the Closet" by the right-wing Christian evangelist Jerry Falwell. He wrote, "The character, whose voice is obviously that of a boy, has been found carrying a red purse, and has become a favourite character among gay groups world wide. Further evidence that the creators of the series intend for Tinky Winky to be a gay role model have surfaced. He is purple - the gay-pride colour - and his antenna is shaped like a triangle - the gay-pride symbol."

    But I think more of JW's nono's have come from orthodox protestantism. For example: I always wonder who figured out what record one should turn backwards to hear them deeminz. Although I owned the forbidden records, I never listened them backwards. I once countered the argument that a particular bible passage contained the message S-A-T-A-N-I-S-G-O-D if you used a equidistantial letter counting system, which 15 years later got major media attention through the Drosnin book. The response? Doh! Later I saw a similar list of 'verboten' music at someone who was reasonably convervatively reformed.

    I also remember the endless lists of products one shouldn't eat since they allegedly contained blood, or were manufactured with blood components. These got really high circulation and you were almost shunned if you dared to eat something on that list.

    Then there's my mom, who never had me vaccinated, and to this day doesn't want to eat or drink anything cooked in an aluminium pan or kettle, such as the typical south-European espresso-boilers.

    Every absurdity has a champion to defend it.

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