I wish I was Stronger

by apocryphal22 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • SPAZnik

    Think of all the things you have accomplished in the last 39 years.

    Then imagine all the things you can accomplish in the next 39 years.

    One way or another the time is going to pass and the opportunities presented are yours.

    I read a cute quote today that said "a dream is a wish the heart makes".

    Your thread title reminded me of that.

    I hope you find ways to begin your journey to Stronger soon. :)

  • Marjorie

    The WORLD...

    The JWs would have you believe that world is a frightening place...and sometimes it is. Especially when you've been living existing in cultic isolation for decades.

    But it is also the place where the rest of humanity lives. It is the place where Jesus talked and taught, went to parties, fed people...you know the rest.

    You live here too, Apocryphal. So go out into the world, and this time, really meet your neighbors!

    Go to school.

    Pick up a new hobby.

    Become a teacher.

    Get involved in your community. Or move to another, and get involved there.

    Learn a new trade.

    The point is not to be isolated any more. Go out and make a new life for yourself.

    Remember, you're not alone. Your existence, your feelings, your life, they are important to us. We who have lost loved ones to the cult know what you're going through. We'll always be here to support you.

    And pray for your family, as Mrs. Fiorini suggested, so they may see the real 'light' . Don't forget to pray for yourself as well; for guidance, and peace of mind.

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    What I have come to believe over the past sixty years is summed up in the words of an old song: "You've got to walk that loneome valley, you've got to walk it by yourself."

    To me, the truth is that we are all really alone in this existence. People only reach out for others to the extent it benefits them. Our choice is to either individally leave this world a better place without expectation of reward or use up the good left to us by those who came before.

    In "Trains, Planes, and Automobiles" John Candy's character had a simple line that I think of during my frequent occasions of peer rejection: "I like me."

    22, tell me what you have learned about life and people thru your painful experience. I would imagine you are quite enlightened by now. You may feel isolated, yet I would suggest that the greatest contributors the world has ever known were most often "loners."

    In yet another movie: "American Beauty" Lester Burnham narrated at his untimely death that it is hard to be angry when there is so much beauty in the world. He then advised that many would not understand how he could be so appreciative after all he had endured yet closed with the prediction: "but you will."

  • lurk3r


    My heart goes out to you and your current state.I too am part of a 3rd Generation jw upbringing, full of "spiritually stong" family, INCLUDING a member of the annointed!

    I understand VERY well the page you are currently on in your book of life, yet to be written. Hold in there. How long did you view this website before you joined? You joined for a reason Apocrophyl, so please follow the course of your

    heart out, and stay here for a little bit. I am the same age as you, and know EXACTLY what you mean when you say, "I'm too old to start over." Whether or not you realize it just yet, you ALREADY have! Your family; all of them, love you. Your

    family; all of them, want whats best for you. What your family DOESN'T know, is what actually IS best for you. The ONLY person that knows that, is you Apoc. You have just started to gain your

    independence for the first time in your life. It sounds like a tough situation your in, your WHOLE family seems to know exactly where they fit in, and your not sure. Weather the storm Apoc, the sun IS going to come up. Take heart, that I

    once said those exact same words to myself, "I am too old to start over". So many people's stories here, are SO ecouraging...but you have to take a little bit of time for yourself first.

    Can we chat Apocrophyl? If not here on the board, email or PM? When I first started viewing this board, the kind hearted people here were suggesing the many ways for me to get better. Go to school, get a new job etc...get out and ENJOY life!

    All the advice given is VERY true, but I had to overcome some of my fears BEFORE I could even THINK about such things. Everyones situation is different, and as a result I think some thing are easier to do for some than others.

    I can relate to your situation, and wish you all the best Apocrophyl. As much as you feel so very alone, your not as alone as you might think you are. Better days are ahead, one way or another. One day in the future, your going to be "looking back" on this very moment. WHATEVER you decide, you are going to be of an IMMENSE help to others.


  • wantingtruth

    "...............................but I am alone.

    I am an Apostate. But my family would never allow that to happen. Its not an option.

    I pray for Jehovah to take me in my sleep."


    Hey , friend,

    I don't know you

    But I do know one thing ! IF you love God and His Son , the King , then you are NOT an apostate !

    Apostate is the "slave" and ALL who wilfully and consciently follow him and praise him !

    Why ? -- because the Slave with his hords have trampled the everlasting Sacrifice of Jesus, and they do NOT continue in the "teaching of Christ" see 2John 1:9 .

    They DO NOT have the Father , nor the Son ,and the KINGDOM was taken away from them !

    If you love God , you are NOT alone , because the Father and the Son are with you !

    and all who continue to love the Father and the Son are with you !

    If you love God , I invite to listen to a 'song" : THAT's MY KYNG !

    If you love God , I invite you to watch and see how Jehovah is fulfilling His word , and how He is seeing (what's His point of view concerning the so called his organisation )

    do follow this thread here <--clik

    THE TRUTH will make you free , and will give to you reasons for rejoyce !

    I have also a "word" for your "anointed" relatives : to read here !

    and also a word for the GB : they are just now fighting against THE LAMB (of GOD ) ! and the outcome of this battle is sure !

    "but I am dead to them" >> if they do not repent before Jehovah , they are ALL dead !

    a friend from romania !

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I feel weak but...you need to press on and do your best!

  • Quandry


    Never give up!!! Never surrender!!!

    I am fifty-seven. Was "in" for over thirty years. Yep, must start over. Was so depressed for two years. Then I decided that you only get one life, and I refuse to spend the rest of mine moping around. I WILL NOT let them have any more of my life. It is mine, and whatever I choose to do will be my choice.

    I am in college now, part time since I must work, and maybe I'll die trying, but I will get an education. I've learned so many interesting and worthwhile things. Right now, I am taking French. I always wanted to. I hope to travel some time to Europe, and at least I could understand a little bit of what is going on.

    Remember that hobby you always dreamed of trying but couldn't because field service and meetings took all your time? Well, it's time to go for it. Want to make stained glass windows or paint? There is probably a class near you. I just learned there is a national hiking club and am thinking of joining.

    Please come here and vent. We understand. Don't pay attention to any that are sarcastic. It is probably because they cry at night, too.

    Remember-Youuuuu can dooooo it!!!!

  • journey-on

    You are not alone. Being cut off from the organization is not the same as being cut off from your creator. For a while, if you have been totally indoctrinated by the JW mind set, you will feel unworthy to even pray. Get that out of your head ASAP! Open up to prayer and pray properly and know that you are okay. You have been set free, now begin appreciating it.

  • quietlyleaving

    I'm so sorry you are feeling this way.

  • the research lady
    the research lady

    You are stronger than you know. There is some great advice on here from people who know how you feel. Listen to their great advice. AS my husband continues to say to me--"never give up never give in and never give out". That comes from a man who knows first hand. We have five children, two of whom are still active Witnesses who have nothing to do with us because we left this dangerous cult and have become real Christians. It breaks his heart because this is a man who has stood by me, and I with him, for over 40 years in spite of my suffering a massive brain hemorrhage several years ago, having my head shaved, being half blind in both eyes, physically only, and still continue to suffer seizures on a regular basis. Don't put yourself down. You are a human who others care about. And most of all, God cares about you. Hang in there!

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