My brother-in-law has been staying with me all week and his strange views of life have been driving me crazy. Just yesterday he informed me that C.T. Russell predicted global warming. He didn't give me the dates of the WT's that prove this but he insists that they are there. You see, Russell knew that the earth would only be able to last so long before Jehovah stepped in and saved his people. I wonder if he got this information from the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, too.
C.T. Russell- yet another amazing prediction
by JimmyPage 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just yesterday he informed me that C.T. Russell predicted global warming. He didn't give me the dates of the WT's that prove this but he insists that they are there.
My, CT got around, didn't he? I have never heard of this one.....couldn't you ask him to prove it to you?
Maybe Atlantis, our librarian will help you out?
Charles Russell predicted the Invention of Gravy..
................Its in the Bible!!..
"PREPARATIONS FOR THE MILLENNIUM. Polar ice, both arctic and antarctic, seems to have been steadily decreasing, and it may be that these frigid deserts shall once more blossom as the rose-- `Isa. 35:1`--literally. The ice from both poles seems to be drifting toward equatorial regions, to such an extent that, in the north, it has become a menace to commerce, and it may be a work preparatory to the "times of restitution."" — ("Zion's Watch Tower, May, 1903 " p. 131)
Albert Einstein
Hi Jimmy!
Greetings to your brother in law! Tell him I love him! Could he share with us some more New lights?
Just yesterday he informed me that C.T. Russell predicted global warming.
Yep....good ol' Charlie dabbled in just about everything:
"It seems certain that to make the earth into a paradise like Eden, such as the prophecies picture, and a fit place for the restored race, some great changes of climate, etc., must occur. Looking back, we find that some important changes of climate, etc., took place at the time of the Deluge; a change which at once affected the longevity of humanity, for before that life averaged 500 to 1,000 years, but immediately afterward it was shortened. (See `Gen. 6:3`; `9:29`; `11:32`.) Furthermore, we learn that until the flood, there had been no rain on the earth, it being watered by a mist instead. (`Gen. 2:5,6`.) These changes occurred at the end of the first world or dispensation--at the beginning of "The present evil world," or dispensation--and we think that a proper time to expect another change to a better condition would be at the close of the present evil dispensation, at the threshold of "The world [dispensation] to come," wherein dwelleth righteousness." — ("Zion's Watch Tower, September 1883" p. 8)
"We may be sure that great changes must take place in the climates and soils of the earth, before it will be "prepared," as was the garden of Eden to be a fit home for perfect man. Cyclones, earthquakes, thunderbolts, and alternations of drouth and deluge, and of blizzards of cold and simoons of heat, are indications of the imperfection of earth; for the causes are doubtless natural, and very rarely indeed can we see them to be special dispensations of Providence. That God has the entire scope of his plan in all its details measured exactly, we cannot doubt, after learning the plan of the ages; hence we may know that earth must reach its perfection as the garden home of man by the close of the Millennial Age." — ("Zion's Watch Tower, September, 1886" p. 1)
"Great physical changes in nature may reasonably be expected as a part of the impending trouble (intermingled with the social, political, financial and religious troubles of this day of the Lord). What the changes will be we know not; but we do know that present conditions of climate, etc., are not such as we should expect or are promised "when the Kingdom is the Lord's and he is the governor among the nations." If, therefore, any of the King's Own shall witness at close quarters any of the fearful signs connected with the grand changes now due, let them remember that the Lord knoweth them that are his and will not permit anything to come upon them that he will not overrule for good." — ("Zion's Watch Tower, August, 1896 " p. 189)
"THE DELUGE EFFECT ... The temperature of the whole earth was equable, the sun's rays acting upon the watery canopy as they do upon the white glass of a hot-house. The temperature was the same at the poles as at the equator. This accounts for the remains of tropical animals and of plant life found imbedded under hundreds of feet of ice in the polar regions ... Scientific Bible students are having their faith in God's Word established more and more. Without affecting the torrid zone, the warmer temperature is now extending itself into the frigid zone quite rapidly. "Greenland's Icy Mountains" will soon be things of the past. The poles are warming up. The ice caps are dissolving." — ("Zion's Watch Tower, January, 1913" p. 11)
"PREPARATIONS FOR THE MILLENNIUM. Polar ice, both arctic and antarctic, seems to have been steadily decreasing, and it may be that these frigid deserts shall once more blossom as the rose-- `Isa. 35:1`--literally. The ice from both poles seems to be drifting toward equatorial regions, to such an extent that, in the north, it has become a menace to commerce, and it may be a work preparatory to the "times of restitution."" — ("Zion's Watch Tower, May, 1903 " p. 131) -
Lurk3r asked me to post this on his behalf.
Wikipedia quote:
# Climate change. In writings as early as 1883 (and through to the end of his life) Russell repeatedly expressed the view that the world would see a significant but gradual change in global climate conditions as a prelude to the re-establishment of Eden-like conditions. These changes, he said, would include the gradual melting of the Greenland ice sheet, the Arctic and Antarctic polar ice caps, and the general warming up of the earth's temperatures.
'Zion's Watch Tower' in the following issues: September 1883 page 8; September 1886 page 1; August 1896 page 189; May 1903 page 131; January 1913 page 11 -
Homerovah the Almighty
Gee Jimmy your brother in law sounds like quite the well educated intellectual , but then again aren't all JWS relinquished
with that kind of character.
You might mention that the recent global warming situation has turned much of Australia into drought ridden desert, that doesn't sound like
paradise to me .
Scientists have been predicting global warming since the late 1800's. Charles Russell was simply putting a Creationist spin to it. There won't be a water canopy suspended above the earth and if one were made, the water vapor which has 100 times the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide, will turn this planet into a Venus look alike.