Manipulation as its worst

by unbeliever 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • unbeliever

    My brother has been dating this woman for 6 months. He made it clear from the very beginning before they got serious that he would not marry her or anyone for that matter. Been there done that. Does not want a repeat.

    So about 2 months ago she got pregnant. I am not going to accuse her of trapping him because my brother admits that he was careless about protection. He has as much responsibilty as she does. She claims to be Catholic and when she found out about her pregnancy she really pushed him hard to marry her. He refused and her pregnancy did not change his mind.

    So today on Easter no less she tells him that if he does not marry her she is going to have an abortion. When he told me this I was livid. What kind of human being could issue that kind of ultamatium? He says abortion is murder. He is serously thinking of marrying her and then filing for a divorce after the baby is born. I think he absolutely hates her right now.

    Me personally I don't think she will have an abortion. How can someone be so evil and manipulative? That peice of trash will never be welcome in our family.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I think you're being a little hard on her. She very well could be thinking it would be better to have an abortion than to give birth to a bastard child. She may be feeling inadequate to take care of a kid by herself. You just said your brother was careless with protection. Well, he needs to take responsibility for his choices, and you can't put it all on her. Evil and manipulative? Piece of trash? A lot would say the same of your brother. Remember, this woman is will be your neice's mother. You're not helping the situation with your attitude.

  • oompa

    crap.....sorry un.....but he should create space and watch......see what her morals really are......"i will kill a baby if you do not marry me...even though i think killing a baby will

    roast me in hell?????"...........not stable to me....or believable........oompa

  • StoneWall

    I think neither of them are looking at all their options.

    If your brother doesn't want to marry her would he be man enough to tell her instead of abortion that he

    would raise the child himself and pay for all its expenses if she will sign the papers giving him full custody.

    Have him check the laws in his state governoring child care,custody etc.

    That way he wouldn't be forced into marrying her simply because she became pregnant and she wouldn't have to

    worry about maybe a gulty conscience later or getting in trouble with her church etc.

    Just some of my thoughts anyhow

    I wish both of them wisdom on their decision,


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    It sounds like a last ditch effort to get hitched to me. He should demand a pregnancy test before anything else happens.

  • leavingwt

    It sounds to me as if marrying her would be a huge mistake.

  • marjoe
    She very well could be thinking it would be better to have an abortion than to give birth to a bastard child.

    don't forget the adoption option.

  • Satanus

    Not so much manipulation, as bulldozing over his wants to do/get whatever she wants.


  • rebel8
    He is serously thinking of marrying her and then filing for a divorce after the baby is born.

    Tricking her into becoming a parent and then backing out of the deal sounds extremely manipulative to me.

  • KW13

    To be honest, having a child with her doesn't seem a very sensible idea (not that i agree with abortions btw). If she is pregnant and choosing to abort the child then that is not his fault. You cannot blackmail someone into marriage, using his emotions and feelings is downright evil.

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