Have you joined a new religious organisation since leaving the JW's?

by Wee John 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sspo


    If you have children do you always write letters to them to communicate your feelings and instructions or would it be a good idea to talk to them.

    Do not quote the bible and the original sin and snake talking to Eve....... i don't beleive in it.

    People have been worshipping " Gods " from the beginning of time and they have had the same feelings as religious people living today.

    No "gods " has ever spoken to anyone. It's in people's head, the feeling of being connected with a Jesus, Jehovah, Baal, Buddha

    and mother nature or just being spiritual.

    It's nothing but a fantasy, a good feeling that people enjoy.

  • shamus100

    No more religion for me. My mind is never really going to be closed, or at least I hope so, but for the time being, no.

    I'd probably be a Buddist before being a Christian anyways. Buddism makes way more sense.

  • Piercingtheveil81

    I accepted Islam and am now Muslim. The Belief of Tauheed (absolute oneness of God) appealed to me greatly as well as other aspects. Although I didn't believe many of the crazy teachings of the WTS I also didn't feel that the trinity doctrine was correct either I also had many doubts about the inspiration of the NT in particular (Bart Ehrman's books are awesome). All of this lead me to investigate Islam which I accepted.

  • sspo


    Would i? Yes i would if he would talk to me and it would not take much to convince me that he is the almighty, the one that created all things.

    I would be stupid in not listening to him.

  • villabolo

    Same here sspo. I found out shortly after leaving the witnesses that the Bible contradicts both external reality and is internally inconsistent.

    I am an atheist with pantheistic sentiments ala Carl Sagan.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Hey, what's wrong with good feelings?

  • sspo

    Good feelings?

    A lot of churches will charge 10% of your income for that good feeling.

  • jonathanadabe

    I was baptised in September 1941 at a Convention in Leicester, UK, approaching 13 years of age. (That makes me 80 now!) I spent about 9 years at that young age, but eventually left in 1946 to join the Army (National Service). I did not have the conviction that being a consciencious objector was the right thing to do. As you all know, it's very difficult to get rid of the intensive teachings, even though attendance at meetings stops. The years up to now have seen me become a part of Methodism, Congregationalism, Plymouth Brethren and others. I still read some of the original literature plus many recent Watchtowers, and with a critical mind I am now happily settled as a total non-believer....an Atheist. The Governing Body, with its total control of 7 million lives and its authoritarian teachings, have shown me that the Society does not have the 'Truth' as they claim. I am now a supporter of the thinking of writers such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett. It's amazing how one's thinking can change!

  • Maddie

    I havent joined another religious org. I have become a Christian though and meet in fellowship with other Christians.


  • avishai

    Yep, I belong to three (at least) The Universal life church, the church of the subgenius and the church of spiritual humanism.

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