WT argument about knowing God's name is a fallacy!

by JimmyPage 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JimmyPage

    All of us who grew up JW have heard this argument a million times: to have a close relationship with someone you must first know them by name.

    But how would you feel if your kids called you by your first name? Instead of showing a closeness, it would be looked at as a sign of disrespect. Their calling you "Father" would be the real indication of their special relationship with you.

    So it is with God and so it was with those who considered the divine name too sacred to pronounce.

  • passwordprotected


    Plus, how many JWs claim to have a person relationship with Jesus, but never, ever speak to him?

  • JimmyPage

    A personal relationship with Jesus? Blasphemy! It's all about Jehovah.

  • passwordprotected

    So it would seem. Of course, it's important to realise that Jehovah is in fact the Watch Tower Society, and by extension, the Governing Body. They are getting more and more transparent about this, in my opinion.

  • garybuss
  • Finally-Free

    I never called my parents by their first names. I didn't do it with my teachers, school principal, or judge in the courtroom either. Doing so would not have been in my own best interests. I guess it's ok for JWs to show less respect for their God than they do for "worldly people".


  • reniaa

    I'm seeing a lot of rhetoric here but no scripture the jewish superstition on gods name was not scriptural they were scared to use it they let it go into non-usage.

    Psalm 8:9
    O YHWH, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

    Psalm 9:2
    I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

    Psalm 9:10
    Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, YHWH, have never forsaken those who seek you.

    Psalm 22:22
    I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you.

    Psalm 44:8
    In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise yourname forever. Selah

    David knew and used God's personal name! trinitarian christians reject the hebrew scriptures and the blessing of knowing Jehovah by his personal name.

  • Finally-Free
    trinitarian christians reject the hebrew scriptures and the blessing of knowing Jehovah by his personal name.

    That is a blatant lie. Every Catholic mass has a reading from the old testament, and some Psalms are regularly sung. It was in the Catholic church where I first learned the name "Jehovah", many years before I ever even heard of the JWs. Maybe you should educate yourself before speaking so stupidly.


  • Kenneson

    It was out of reverence that they didn't pronounce the name, not from fear.

    What has come down to us are 4 letters YHVH. It's anybody's guess as to what vowels should be inserted and how it

    should be pronounced. Most scholars think that since the name was revealed in Hebrew, the closest we can come to

    it is Yahweh or Yahveh. JWs would have us believe that the name in English is Jehovah. But, a close study shows that Jehovah is a Latin name

    invented by a Catholic monk by the name of Raymond Martin. It came down to us via the King James Version when the translators borrowed it

    from the Latin.

  • passwordprotected

    The blessing of knowing Jehovah by his personal name?

    What are you talking about?

    What about the blessing of being a Son of God? John 1:12. You refuse to take up your right to be a son of God because your leaders tell you to.

    I know God's name, but I get to call him Father. Why? Because he's my father.

    Again, this is just the basics. Forget the rhetoric and look at the truth. "I am the way, the truth and the life".

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