Do you hate America because it's where wts was born?

by rebel8 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I wonder if some of the palpable anti-American anger is because it's where wts was born.

    I'm not interested in political views. I get it. Heard ya loud and clear, over and over.

    I'm also not interested in posts about how stupid Americans/their culture is and how smart the rest of the world is. Yawn.

    Just wondering if part of the anger is because of the aforementioned reason--a bit of psychoanalysis.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I don't see America like that. I believe the wbts was spawned in Satan's colon.

  • Amazing


    I do not believe that being anti-America among Americans is due to the WTS being founded in this country. There may be some non-Americans who feel that way, but the reason for this hatred goes to another deeper problem.

    Many of the ex-JW community have adopted an anti-American, anti-big-business, and over all distrust of society in general due to the betrayal they experienced by the Watchtower. They cannot get direct justice and compensation for the harm received, so they transfer this bitterness onto various social structures around them ... and since hating America is a fashion, it is a safe haven to take up the banner of such hatred.

    The sad thing is, that many ex-JWs fail to abandon the mental tools of false reasoning they learned in the Watchtower system. These poor tools go right with them, and are used to project and develope their view of the world around them ... which, is not all that much different from the views of the Watchtower ... namely, hate governments, hate business, hate the churches, esepcially the Catholic church, and suspect conspiracies everywhere. A good college education would help many to break free of the mental chains that still bind them.

    Hatred of America is a fashionable fad today. American walked away from WWII in good shape economically, as well as with honor for helping the Allied forces defeat the Nazis. And in post-WWII, through the 1950s and into the mid-1960s Americans were highly regarded and sustained being an economic giant. This, couple with its major role in keeping the Soviet Union in check, kept the United States relevant and necessary.

    I witnessed all that change by the time the Viet Nam war was becoming a national embarassment because it was being run by politicians, and our own people, like Jane Fonda, were taking sides with the North Vietnamese Communists. The US was winning that war, in spite of all the political and publicity problems ... but when Walter Chronchite of CBS News teamed up to condemn the war, the Viet Cong, which were about to give up, decided to hang in there ... and American forces were losing heart.

    President Nixon brought the war to an end, but his own presidency ended in disgrace. Since about 1974 time frame, when Nixon resigned, America's standing and popularity had greatly declined. Then, because the United State did a number of stupid and foolish things, combined with the propaganda successes by Communism and its cheif sponsor, the Soviet Union, everything that was bad was being attributed to America whether it was guilty or not.

    For example, the USA has been, and is still being accused of starting both wars in the Persian Gulf to steal oil from the Arabs and Iraqis. Big wealthy oil interests are blamed for having strong ties with the US President and causing him to use our military for such purposes. The truth is that wars cost too much money and are too disruptive of oil supplies. If anything, it would have been far cheaper and more sustainable to let Saddam Hussien take over the middle east and run the oil. He was an ally of the west. The USA has never taken a drop of oil, but American oil companies have purchased it every time on the free market.

    But all that is now history. Many Americans today believe the worst about America. Oddly enough, out of one mouth many Americans distrust the government and allege conspiracies, and then out of the other mouth put great faith in one of the political parties and its leaders. It is sad and comical at the same time. When Clinton was President, many Americans accused him of covering up the TWA flight that crashed outside of New York, citing supposed naval operations in the area. Then, President Bush was balmed for the attacks of 9-11. It is a never ending cycle that started three decades ago.

    The majority of Americans, what some call the silent majority, have more balance and trust that the loud minority. But they too are often skeptical, and this skepticism keeps them from standing in open opposition to the miniroty. And, to add insult to injury, many American travelers have given the USA a black eye by acting like jerks when abroad.

    There is some jealousy too on the part of either poor nations, or former glorius powers like the British Empire, the French Empire, etc. that resents America's climb to the top of powers. That is always true of any nation that succeeds to the top. We see how it happened with Rome, and others, and it will happen again to future nations.

    America has done a lot of good ... but ... boasts about, and reminds everyone about her good. The US ship that was seized by the pirates was delivering charitable cargo supplies to that part of the world. Yet, what gets published is how these pirates are justified in their actions because some alleged "European" nations dumped nuclear waste near or on the shores of Somalia. Never mind that the priates were using an innocent hostage to get millions of $ for themselves.

    Some American leaders and businesses have done wrong ... and should be prosecuted. But America as a people, a nation, is largely good and honorable ... and the rest of the world knows it ... and what Americans needs to do is do good, vote out bad politicians, prosecute buesiness and people for real wrongs, and ignore whiners who will moan about every conspiracy theory.

  • Finally-Free

    Nah, America is ok even if it is a little backward. One day they may even qualify to be a Canadian province.


  • passwordprotected

    No. I'm not too keen on Pennsylvania or Brooklyn anymore tho...

  • Amazing

    Finally-Free: Canada is good too ... and will be even better when it can come up with a Constitution that Quebec can accept. Then the USA can join Canada. Canada is America's largest trading partner, and as far as I'm concerned America's closest ally along with the UK.

  • blondie

    This reminds me of the question "How long have you been beating your wife?"

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    What Finally-Free said

    Rutherford was extremely ethocentric to even consider that when the ancients were resurrected they would show up at the doors of Beth Sarim in California. And this attitude does permeate the WTS to a certain degree

    But I find it hard to think that people hate the WTS because it is American. That's like saying I hate cars because they are an American product


    Yep,finalyFree is on the money..Canada should make the USA a Canadian Province..............Those poor people don`t have any "EH" .. We have lots..We could ship truck loads of "Eh" to them if there was`nt a frigg`n border........................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    To me, this is an illogical question. Who is going to "hate America" because of a printing company founded in Pennsylvania?


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