all textbooks revise to keep current. I don't see any problem at all here. And, I remember being a 7-year-old boy in 1974. 2 sisters came with green Bible in hand, talking about how 1975 would mark 6000 years of human history. Which the SI book confirms. Ussher's dates in the OT are about 20 years out. No wonder secular history (which still uses Ussher's dates, apparently) doesn't have 607 BCE right.
1975 coverup! Compare the '68 and '81 Truth book scans
by JimmyPage 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Black Sheep
all textbooks revise to keep current
Yes Spike, but this one had 'use by' dates built in. It was the 'use by' dates that were revised.
Supposedly the Truth, by its own title, it was a load of crap. Does crap come from Jehovah, Spike?
Spike Tassel
Jehovah made us that way. Or didn't you know.
all textbooks revise to keep current. I don't see any problem at all here.
There is a huge problem with it when it is meant to cover-up wrong-doing or past inaccuracies. It speaks directly of the lack of integrity and honesty. If you are familiar with any sort of ISO process, you must document an explanation and reason for the alteration. Where are the explanations and reasons for the changes documented in the WTS literature?
Does crap come from Jehovah
My father still has several copies of "The Truth" book and I believe they are the older versions.
Spike Tassel
ISO process sounds like its to do with the world "International Standards Organization".
In my real life, I don't document every time I correct something, and I don't think that's realistic for anyone else, though there is a whole "chattering class" that would be "out of work" if there weren't a record kept of every lasting change and reason. And we wonder why "man is ruining the earth". Wonder no more, it's all that paper to keep up with all the "documentation". Police may consider it "contempt of court" and "destroying the evidence". Actually, "repentance" tends to be about "forgetting the things that were in error" and "living by a more acceptable perspective", which I expect to be always changing and refining, as I interact with new people and am exposed to new ideas or new configurations.
Witness 007
Nice find "Famine 75" became an embarrassing reminder after 1976 and was swept under the carpet......Fred Franz used to sleep with this book next to his pillow!
Spike Tassel
publications come and go, but the Bible remains
In my real life, I don't document every time I correct something, and I don't think that's realistic for anyone else
OK, fair enough but....
Do you threaten every person who dares to openly disagree with you with immediate dismissal from employment? And actually follow through with that for the few brave souls who do so?
And then, when you are proven proven wrong, fail to apologize?
And then, after making your revisions, once again threaten all those who publically disagree with your new stand with similar punishment?
And repeat the cycle for decades?
As has been stated numerous times on this forum and elsewhere, the problem is not with imperfection or errors or revisions...the problem is with accountability. With the implicit and explicits threats, and concrete damaging action, against all those who fail to treat every word written in a magazine as inspired of God. And with the utter hubris of blaming the readers of such literature for entertaining wrong ideas ("some Christians used to think...").
Spike Tassel
there are such bosses, and even such parents, and they would be within their rights, it is their company, their "house", their authority
there are such bosses, and even such parents, and they would be within their rights, it is their company, their "house", their authority
Perhaps they are within their "rights"...
Are they good parents / bosses / whatever? Lovable? Are you drawn to them?
The Watchtower Society is within their "rights" to act like petulant narcissistic bullies toward their adherents. As you say, it's their game, they set the rules, and people sign up for it.
But do they draw people to God by doing so? Do they reflect his personality, as they claim, in doing so?
Is it moral or ethical to proselytize vulnerable people, promise them "we are the only true religion" and then emotionally & spiritually abuse them?
I dunno, you're digging yourself a pretty deep hole....