Cameo-d shorting out....

by cameo-d 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    Hi folks...

    My computer screen seems to be shorting out. Today it is up again. Don't know if this is power surge problem or computer.

    So anyway if I suddenly disappear, I will be back when I can.

    My computer is 10 years old. How long do they usually "last"?

    I figure it is due for a scrub.

    Also I was thinking about a laptop for the future.

    Any advice on what you would recommend from your experience?

  • Elsewhere

    > My computer is 10 years old. How long do they usually "last"?

    4 or 5 years

    I'm becoming strongly inclined to get a Notebook computer for my next computer. I have found that I enjoy lounging in the living room or outside with my work computer. No wires... just battery and WiFi.

    Only get a "Box" computer if you are a programmer, gamer, video or graphics enthusiast . Otherwise you don't need that kind of "horsepower". Just get a nice medium priced notebook and you'll be just fine.

  • BurnTheShips

    Don't do it. All the newer computers contain a secret circuit that transmits everything you do to the powers that be.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Laptops are fine Cameo but realistically if your not going to travel around with them in any point in time I would just stick to a desktop.

    If your computer is 10 years old I would try and get a new one you'll most likely appreciate the better speed that they offer.

    Or if you don't want to buy a new one, a desktop that is only a year old or so can save you some cash.

    Small computer shops many times have used computers a year or two old that they sell for a good discount and they usually

    will provide a @ 30 day warranty with them..............good luck.

  • lurk3r

    There you are Cameo....I was a wondering where ya were.

    I have had many computers over the years, including laptops. The laptop scene has changed a lot in recent years and they are much more affordable now days. You got 10 YEARS out of your comp! Thats amazing. The very best decision I ever made with regards computer purchases, was buying a MAC. While apprearing to be more expensive on the surface, one only has to dig a little bit, and they can see why they are worth the extra. Intuative; which is extremely important when i comes to learning a new OS. Simple and straight forward too. If you use your computer for surfing the net, which i am going to wager a guess and say that you must, it's pretty much the same as a Windows based machine. MUCH less clutter on a Mac. A 10 year old computer lacks the "guts" to run any of todays more modern software, so im guessing you primarily surf the net....searching.

    Did ya know, that with a Mac, that I don't even have to run an antivirus program to counter all the online threats out there? Speaking of which, perhaps your computer is bogged down? Do you have "the savy" to know such things Cameo? Have you run any programs to "clean your comptuer up", and quite possibly get some more life outta your horse? If you can afford a new computer, you may well appreciate it i'm sure.


    Edit REPLY #1 - Cameo - Your computer is need a new one. Sounds like perhaps something is overheating or something. Perhaps it works now cecause it has cooled down?

  • cameo-d


    I had just started to read your post about Job....and those were the last words I saw.

    Everything went black and the screen started to twitch.

  • leavingwt

    Do not purchase a laptop unless you NEED portability. (You pay more and get less.)

    Deal News is a site that features many different deals on products, including PCs. You can often find excellent bargains on Dell machines.

    EDIT: This site doesn't sell anything, they merely LINK to deals on the web. In the case of Dell products, you'll be taken to Dell's site.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    One thing thats worth mentioning if you do decide in getting a Laptop, this lends you the possibility for you to use it anywhere you

    want in your home via a wireless network such as your kitchen, backyard, bedroom, living room etc.

    I'd suggest going to a store and play around with both versions and choose a suitable preference, there are plus and minuses

    in both versions.

    In regards to getting a PC rather than a MAC, PC's have more software that is designed around the OS

    and yes you should always have an anti-virus program running in the background, fortunately in conjunction with the faster

    working computers today and the newly designed anti-virus programs such as Norton 2009 there is little if any bogging down as was noted

    and comfirmed in the past.

  • Elsewhere

    > Do not purchase a laptop unless you NEED portabilit

    I once thought the same way. Then a few years ago I stayed at a friends house who had a laptop computer. I found myself preferring that to a box computer at a desk. Once you taste the freedom of a laptop and WiFi at home.... you're hooked.


    If you only use your computer for web browsing and email, you might even want to look at the NetBooks. These are low-end, inexpensive notebooks. They don't have much "horsepower" but for doing the basics, they are great and only cost about $300. (I'm almost ,but not quite, tempted to get one of those instead of a notebook.)

  • Finally-Free

    In regards to getting a PC rather than a MAC, PC's have more software that is designed around the OS

    Most common applications have both PC and Mac versions, though sometimes the Mac versions miss certain features. I always recommend deciding beforehand which applications are to be used, which tasks are to be performed, and choosing a system based on that, and always leave room for future upgrades. That said, you generally have a wider range of vendors to choose from if you're running a PC.

    I have 6 PCs, 1 XP laptop, and 1 Mac pro. Since I got the Mac in December I'm using it almost exclusively. I've set up a bootcamp partition with Vista Enterprise which I access either at boot time or through VMWare Fusion for those PC apps I just can't do without.


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