In case you haven't been to a meeting in years........things haven't changed!

by RULES & REGULATIONS 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Colton

    My Father-in-Law (active JW) confided to me: "If you miss a few meetings you'll just hear it all over again in a few months." He's right! They rehash the same old song and dance over and over. Why we should listen to the FDS. Why we should attend all the meetings. Why we need to stay active in our ministry. Why we need to trust Jehovah (WT) to give us meat in due season. Why we should prepare for Armageddon.

    Rinse and repeat.

  • MadameSweden

    I haven't been to a meeting since the early 80s. It was always important to attend all the meetings every week and be very busy with personal study and the ministry. If you didn't keep up with "the good work" all the time you would get time left to start thinking, something that was not recommended.

  • moshe

    I went to a bookstudy about a year ago when I was out of town on business. Just curious to see if anything had changed in 20 years. . It appears the core group running the show is getting long in the tooth. Missing was the 20-35 aged men- maybe they just had an evening shift carpet cleaning job to do. Or maybe, they have left the building, for good. Yes, it's the same old repetitious crap. I tried to liven it up a little, but they just wouldn't take the bait. My comments were just ignored, shunned, if you were. I was allowed to comment, but no discussion of my questions was allowed or even wanted by anyone. Get that meeting over with so we can get home and watch TV and the kids can be put to bed. That is what I saw.

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