Brilliant, love it.
Great, simple Watchtower quote to show their HYPOCRISY. Easy to use.
by nicolaou 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Very simple. When you do what someone else tells you to, you are committing idolatry if doing so is for the purpose of gaining salvation. If you do as Jesus would have had you do, you will be your own leader and worship nothing but your own ability to understand things and solve problems. Very often, that is enough to get the problem solved without even having to pray.
However, when you have a group of men interpreting the Bible and telling you to trust in their interpretation, you are effectively worshiping that group. That group often twists the Bible on purpose to fulfill their own agenda and to grab money and power from the flock, effectively becoming a Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. Never mind joining the organization because the benefits exceed the cost--you are supposed to be perfectly in agreement with the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger or lose "salvation".
Even when we blindly obey what is in the Bible, we are worshiping the Bible itself. What if a statement in the Bible was put there by mistake, because someone mis-remembered an event, or someone sought to control others and put it in the Bible to mislead others? And, what if the Bible itself promotes murder, rape, sexism, blind obedience to a Being that was in the habit of capriciously causing trouble to people for no good reason, and not thinking yourself? What if the Bible itself lies? If you blindly obey the Bible, you are going to fall right into the same lies and misguidance that the Bible itself gives. On the other hand, if you do your own thinking and worship nothing but your own ability to reason and solve problems (even while trying to improve same), you will avoid the lies in the Bible, plus any scams based on it.
A bad con artist forgets the lies that he used to setup the scam and ends up incriminating himself with his own words.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
It's like they're stuck in a revolving door.
Thanks to nic... and to the FDS for a continuous stream of BS.
B the X
Bravo and bookmarked, Dear Nicolaou.