spirit realm...when pigs fly...off a cliff..i so want to be smacked by a demon.....

by oompa 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt


    The demons are all over your house. They have entered via the Internet when you've surfed apostate sites. Next, they've entered via your television as you channel surfed late at night. Also, as you listed to demonic music on your stereo, they were invited into your home.

    This, all according to Mother.


  • lurk3r

    Oompa. Right now, I have one post available to me, and I'm using it here. Your comments drove me to write down an experience that I encountered once. I will post it on this thread once my next reply becomes available. There is more to the story, and when i get some more time I will finish it, I promise. Be careful what you ask for... I hope i'm not coming across as a jerk, but i sincerely wanted to share it with you...not everyone makes things up about the spirit world. How you think it would make your faith "stronger" I don't know. Could you elaborate?

    While I don't know "what" I believe in an overall sense, but I do know one thing, if only for myself.

    I believe in spirits.


  • Quirky1

    lurk3r, I beleive in spirits too....Jim Beam and Wild Turkey 101...LOL

  • StAnn

    You know, though, think about the stories of the Israelites. When the Israelites were wandering through the desert, they were fed miraculously daily with manna and saw Moses draw water from a stone with a stick. They'd been miraculously rescued when the Red Sea opened up and they crossed it safely and saw God destroy the Egyptian army. Yet they were faithless and disobedient to both Moses and God and, in less than two months time after crossing the Red Sea, they made a golden calf and bowed down and worshipped it. It would appear seeing these miraculous events (like the 10 plagues of Egypt) had very little real effect on their faith.

    Now here's a more recent miracle, which many believe in but most people in the world ignore. Maybe it will make you feel better.



  • ziddina

    Hey, Oompa! WAnt me to send AukNuk your way? She'd scare off any demons!!

    I used to be an absolute, total and completely rational non-believer in spirits/ghosts/demons/whatever. I laughed at the JW stories or treated them like campfire ghost stories - fun, scary, and totally non-believable.

    Then I went to work in a nice, modern office building on a plateau in Santa Ana, California in the early '80's. I pooh-poohed my co-workers' stories of chairs moving in other people's cubicles after they'd left for the day... People who stayed after to work overtime usually came in the next day with a tale or two. I totally discounted everything I heard....

    But! (in retrospect...) there was a strange phenomenon that would frequently occur in the conference room when we had those dreary weekly 'morale' meetings... We'd all be sitting around the table, trying to keep our noses from breaking when we fell asleep and hit the table face-first; but every once in a while the vanes/vertical blinds on the window would agitate in motion as though someone had just passed - invisibly - along beside them. I used to attempt to get the vanes to repeat that motion by walking - really fast - past them after the meeting was over, and I was a really fast walker!! But I could never get the motion to duplicate what I saw... I always figured I'd dropped off and someone had come in without my seeing them... Yeah, that's the ticket....

    Then, one afternoon about 2:20, I was zipping along towards my cubicle worrying about getting something business-related completed when I saw something that made me come to a screeching halt. The door to the conference room was open about two feet, and through the open doorway I could see one - ONE - vane, suspended in mid-air at about a 45-degree angle, and shaking...

    I slipped into the room and barely left the door cracked, reasoning logically that this was probably some characteristic of the ventilation and air-conditioning system, so if I sealed the room by closing the door it would stop. And then I began to stalk that one, lone vane, just hanging in mid-air and vibrating -

    As I was about six feet from it, someone behind me jerked the door open, yelled "[my name]! Meeting in five minutes!" and the vane fell into position and didn't move again. I was cussin' up a storm!!!

    But I wasn't too upset to notice that when the vane fell back into position, there was no residual, pendulum-like motion whatsoever. It simply swung back into position and froze there.

    I'm a bit more open-minded about ghosties after that experience... But it indicated to me that actual hauntings are probably more subtle than people realize... Zid

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