Deepest sympathies to all ex-JWs who've been hurt by the 'WORLD'

by ziddina 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life


    Great post!

  • jamiebowers

    Well said, Z, and I so agree with Lady Lee's words:

    But I have to say this. I was hurt far more and to a greater extent by the very people I was supposed to trust above all others, my mother, my husband, the elders and my JW friends.
  • Ri

    Although I was a witless for more years than I want to think about...I am thinkful I have an Independent mind ... I got fooled because I thought they had the answers to the scriptures . I stayed because I kept hoping for something that never came. I had questions they couldn't answer . I left because they were comparing themselves to men of the Bible and even Jesus.

  • shamus100


    Thanks for your post. I was wondering what kind of angle you were going for too - pretty interesting.

    That is the whole psyche of the WTBTS - to keep your self-esteem in the toilet. "You're not good enough" is pounded into your head week after week after week.

    Well I've got news for you all. You can do anything you want, and no shitty religious cult will ever make things impossible. If you lack self-esteem, go get it through counselling, or however you can. Everything is waiting for you - you just have to grab it.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life
    to keep your self-esteem in the toilet. "You're not good enough" is pounded into your head week after week after week.

    This is so, so , so true. This is what I experienced also.

  • mouthy

    "witnesses try and live by a bible moral standard and give worship to the true God"-

    Oh Reniee !!!! When will you give up!!! Moral standards???? You have to be kidding.

    I know ( or should say knew) JWS who cheated on income tax, hated other people because they
    were a differant religion.
    Gossiped, etc:etc:
    Forgoodness girl GO READ YOUR BIBLE!!! Look up love!!!!read all about LOVE,NOT orders of the WT

    Look up lying!!! in the JWS book. It tells them they do not have to tell the truth who ever the WITNESS
    things they dont deserve it.
    Do you REALLY & TRULY believe that when the organization gives rules you should obey???
    Then what the heck are you doing on here????? Please tell me.

    They have told you it is a no no. !!!!

  • mrsjones5

    But Reniaa is a special case shhhh just don't tell the brothers/gb/fds

  • ziddina

    Right on, MrsJones5!! Reniaa is 'special'.... Zid

  • verystupid77

    Reniaa is 'special'.... I totally agree. vs77

  • JimmyPage

    Good thread. Yes I have been hurt by the "world". But I also found great love there too. People are people, whether JWs or not. It's a mixed bag. There are good worldly people and bad dubs, and vice-versa. But the bottom line is that it's not all black and white like the WT tries to make you believe.

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