Deepest sympathies to all ex-JWs who've been hurt by the 'WORLD'

by ziddina 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I've seen a lot of newly escapes JWS get themselves into personal trouble once the they left the over shadowing control of the WTS.

    and its almost a certainly that people will try out things that they were forbidden when fully involved with this faith ever so much with

    young people and yes they do get themselves into trouble. So there has to be an accepted acknowledgment of the trouble within religious

    organizations like the JWS and what is out there. With some intellectual and emotional maturity a person is able to perceive correctly was is good

    and what is bad in both social environments.

  • loosie

    Wow ziddina thats is a good illustration I will have to use that in the future with my friends who are still ignoring the world around them.

  • AllTimeJeff


    I have re read this, and I have to say "well done". Great angle, and something I think that hits a real nerve.

    One of the big conundrums for people leaving the borg is "what now?" None of us were supposed to be here. But it turns out the rabbit that led us down that hole wasn't real. Wonderland was a rather large fraud too.....

    I continue to have to be careful at my thoughts and how I view the world. I force myself to be open to other people, sometimes to my own detriment, but in the long run, its worth it.

    The fact of it is, the GB lies both about the world AND itself. They can't guarantee that fellow "friends" will treat you better then the world. Ridiculous. But thats the fantasy, instant friends for life where you can feel safe.

    And that in my view, is the issue: Do you feel safe? It's that comfort zone that the GB tricks you into thinking you're in. They always say, always imply, that "You are safe here, you are dog meat out there".

    It's a great gift to see yourself as you really are, and to see where you are in life. Not everyone likes it, but to embrace it, and have the ability after leaving the borg to see it, if you want to, is an excellent opportunity....

  • ziddina

    Hee hee hee!!!


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Great thread zid...well worth a I'll do it too...bumpity bump

    Your thoughts don't just echo people brought up as JW's...but are also for people not brought up as JW's...our minds and beliefs are shaped by our upbringing...we have these things imprinted on our that toilet brush?

  • ziddina

    Thanks, Still Thinking!!

    Reading "Pig's" thread, "Our Parents are Idiots", reminded me of this old thread of mine...

  • factfinder

    Thank you Zid! :)

  • Apognophos

    Very true.

  • factfinder

    The wts needs its followers to be fully deependent on them. They set jws up to fail so they can continue their hold and control on them.

    Very well explained Zid!

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