When I was a missionary and in the circuit work, I sometimes stayed in the friends' homes. Once I stayed in a Bible's students house with his family. They gave me a corner room down a long hallway. The previous sister that rented that room had left "because of demons." I laughed at them. But that night as I sat reading, stuff kept on falling off the shelves. Not once or twice, but like 5 or 6 times. The last time, a little cup came off the shelf and landed right on my book, three feet away from the wall. And then someone knocked loudly on the door three times. When I opened it, there was no one there. The long hallway was dark, and no one could have knocked and run away that fast. I went down the hallway anyway, and woke up the family. They apologized for the demon activity.
On another occasion in my assignment, a brother came to visit. His grandmother, who lived in that country, had died. So he came down to arrange her affairs, including her house. She wasn't a Witness. He told me that the local brothers had said that her house was "demonized." He thought it was silly that the local brothers believed those "demon stories." When he came back the next day to say goodbye, he looked completely different. He told me that he had gone with another brother to the house, and once they got inside, they couldnt get out. Some "force" was holding them inside. He said he thought he was going to die. He couldn't move. Other brothers were able to pull them out somehow. He couldnt leave the country fast enough. He was completely freaked out.
When I was a teenager, my brother moved to another apartment, and I helped him. There was a mask, a weird mask that had been left in the vacant apartment. So my brother said it looked demonized. My sister laughed at him and they threw in in a big garbage bag in the corner. My brother said, "Is that mask demonized?" and my sister said, "Don't worry, THERE IS NO WAY IN THE WORLD THAT MASK IS DEMONIZED." Just then a loud voice came out of the bag, clear as day. It said, "GUESS AGAIN."
I was outside, and they both came running out of the apartment. To this day, my sister refuses to talk about it.
So, what you say? How do I account for seemingly normal people experiencing this stuff?