Get ready to be told what you experienced was not REALLY what you people who were not there.
by BonaFide 12 Replies latest jw friends
Get ready to be told what you experienced was not REALLY what you people who were not there.
I think I would like to see some scientists go into that place and find the real cause of things falling off the shelves (most likely, if the center of gravity is off its base, it is going to fall down repeatedly), flying objects (and see if magnetism or static electricity has anything to do with it), loud knocking (possibly someone about to sleep and hallucinating it), or other unexplained phenomena like that. All of which will broaden our understanding of things like that, and put another hole in religion.
As for me, I have done just about everything that the Washtowel Slaveholdery says will attract demons. I threw away all my littera-trash, and bought a Ouija board and some books that bash the very concept of God being benevolent. I got some serious Devil worship music on my computer, and have numerous rap and heavy metal CDs in my collection. I have Christmas trees and decorations, including crosses and demons, up. And there isn't so much as a Bible in my apartment--those are in the landfills. And still no demons--I guess either they do not exist, or they are nothing more than benign spirits that simply wanted to experience for themselves something that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag Jehovah did not want them to.
I told you so.