JW Compound in Mexico

by restrangled 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Yep, you read that right. My sister-in-law and her new husband moved down not too long ago.

    We just recently heard they had to leave....why? The husband couldn't take it. He is a long term JW, but said he had no one to talk to, and couldn't take it any more.

    Here are my questions:

    If they have running water, flushing toilets, food to eat, and doors to close, this is as close to the "New Order" as it is going to get and they still can't cope with each other?

    Do they think its going to be any different in their "New Order"

    It will only be worse.....No running water, no toilets, foraging for food, and they will probably be living in tents with no way to escape each other and stuck on some patch of dirt having to start over for 1000 years.

    Doesn't it sound fantastic?


  • shamus100

    Sounds lovely!

    I'd rather be dead than live with those self-righteous haughty people. It doesn't sound like paradise to me, and doesn't sound like paradise for your sister-in-law either.

  • leavingwt

    I can tell you that living 24/7 with JWs is torture -- even when you believe it's God's organization.

    Our former missionaries can tell you PLENTY of stories from missionary homes.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Ray talked about this in ISOCF. There's always somebody stealing or playing politics or beinmg generally self-righteous. Should be proof their new world doesn't work as well as they say it will.


  • purplesofa

    Sounds like they need to read the bible story of Euodia and Syntyche!!!

  • WTWizard

    I felt that way at a$$emblies--and there is one family (the head of which is the lead hounder) that I would feel particularly imprisoned when I was sitting with them. About the only ones I could stand being around for any length of time were the more liberal ones (who eventually went inactive and stayed that way) and children/teenagers that were not yet fully indoctrinated--and none of the hounders that remained faithful ever fit that bill.

    Fact is, I wasted one Christmas with that family (who are all regular pio-sneers and the father is the lead hounder). It was a complete waste of time, and by the middle of the afternoon, I had a nice headache from it. The visit entailed nothing more than going to an empty a$$embly hell and an empty Kingdumb Hell (and almost having to waste Christmas Day out in field circus). I could not imagine getting any pleasure whatsoever out of wasting forever in that kind of environment, where everyone is like that.

  • marcopolo

    haved organization WTS is been recognized in mexico??

  • Colton

    Any photos of this JW compound?

  • recovering

    jw compound sounds like Jonestown

  • rebel8

    I'd love to hear more details about the compound--why they went, the setup, how they supported themselves, etc.

    Why won't there be flushing toilets in the New System? Has there been New Light TM ? Back when I was in, they were teaching that we'd inhabit the vacant homes.


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