What Type Of TOILET System Will Be Used In "THE NEW SYSTEM"?

by african GB Member 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    Will it be sewerage system?

    Or will it be back to ancient "style" of digging the ground and relieving oneself? at the back of the "villages"?

    Who will be responsible for laying down and maintaining the infrastructure?

    Is Jehovah going to keep some ENGINEERS alive until they've trained JW's?

    Where are they gonna get the chemicals for treating the sewer water?

    african GB member

  • ziddina

    "Holy Crapper, Batman!!"

  • african GB Member
  • mrsjones5

    Here's paradise for ya!

    File:1880 town outhouse.jpg

  • ohiocowboy

    In the New System, Poo will be perfect, and will have no contaminates, bacteria, etc. Therefore, it will have no odor. They will be perfect, uniform loaves. The inhabitants will be eating healthy, perfect foods, so any seeds and corn they will eat will come out and start growing into perfect little plants. Being in the perfect environment, they will be self fertilizing, and the fruits and veggies produced will be perfectly tasty and juicy.

    And so will continue the perfect cycle...

  • ziddina

    We'll all be perfect and no one will ever have to take a leak - or a crap. Zid

    BTW, ohiocowboy, without bacteria there would be no life on planet earth... Check your biology textbooks...

  • ohiocowboy

    BTW, ohiocowboy, without bacteria there would be no life on planet earth... Check your biology textbooks...

    Lest you forget, that with our perfect god Jehobie, All things are perfectly possible... Ye with little faith!!!

  • asilentone

    Thank God that I am living in the 20th Century thru 21th Century!

  • african GB Member
  • StAnn

    They'll have composting toilets.

    Build Your Own:

    The $25 (or less) Hinged-Top Humanure Toilet

    The Cheap, Practical and Earth-friendly Potty from the Humanure Handbook!



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