Pre-Armageddon vs Post-Armageddon

by Nosferatu 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    What really is the difference between before Armageddon and after Armageddon? I don't see any.

    Before Armageddon:

    - Devoting our lives to doing Jehovah's work (spread the good news)

    - No pre-marital sex

    - Elders run the show

    - The bad will be destroyed at Armageddon

    - Be on your best behavior or you won't make it to the new system

    Post Armageddon:

    - Devoting our lives to serving Jehovah (clean up bodies, make world paradise, teach resurrected ones the good news)

    - No pre-marital sex

    - Elders run the show

    - The bad will be destroyed after 1000 years

    - Be on your best behavior or you won't permanently make it to the new system

    To me, it sounds like post-armageddon is going to be just as bad, if not worse than pre-armageddon.

  • sir82

    Yeah but post-Armageddon, you get to pet lions and pick big honkin' baskets of fruit!

  • parakeet

    What really is the difference between before Armageddon and after Armageddon? I don't see any.

    Are you out of your mind, Nosferatu? If the dubs were to have their way, post-A world would be populated with nothing but dubs and resurrected soon-to-be dubs. Petting lions would be small comfort in exchange for dubs, nothing-but-dubs, for all eternity.

    Too bad Dante died centuries ago. The Inferno is a cake-walk compared to the dubs' vision of "paradise."

  • shamus100

    But parakeet,

    What about the fruit? (too damned funny, sir82)

  • parakeet

    But parakeet,

    What about the fruit?

    You can be bought for a nice mango and a few strawberries, shamus? Shame, shame.

    This thread reminds of a syllogism I learned in college a long time ago. Who can pick out the problem with it? Lurking dubs, put on your thinking caps .... oh, sorry, forgot. Dubs are braindead. Dubs are excused from this exercise.

    Nothing is better than eternal life.

    A nice mango is better than nothing.

    Therefore, a nice mango is better than eternal life.

  • shamus100

    They're not braindead, silly birdie, they just have a whole hellovalota more faith than you, I, and 90% of the people on this board all put together.

    Without faith, you will not believe in Jehover. He makes the impossible possible. But you need to believe in him first. Then the impossible becomes possible. But you need to believe in him first. Then have faith and go out in service - then you will understand. But until then, you will not understand.

    Ummm... okay.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    The thing that always made me wonder is Armageddon II - The Final Test

    So, you work your tail off now, make it through a mass slaughter of 7 billion people, work to clean up the destruction and teach Ben Button style all the new resurrected generations back to Abel's time, only to find out that's not good enough.

    It really doesn't seem very fair to make those same people have to face down Satan again, this time with less protection. You'd think the armageddon survivors would get some sort of excemption. How many times does the world need to be cleansed?

    However, contrast that with the 144k who get immortality once they get to heaven. That really seems unfair.

  • restrangled

    What gets to me is we were always fed the idea, (and they probably still are) that after the big A it would instantly be a paradise, living in beautiful houses, gardens, gorgeous tame wild animals crossing your property that you could go out and pet., etc. etc. etc.

    In reality, you have to look at the "thousand year factor".......

    Immediately after the big A, the earth is going to be a shambles with nothing left. It will probably take that 1000 years to get it cleaned up, organized, and in a park like condition. No one is suppose to be perfect until the end of that thousand years.

    I don't think God is just going to snap his fingers, and everything is perfect the day after.

    Once again, everyone who survived will have to prove their worth, fortitude, and ability to be in subjection to the morons you just spent the last 50 years tolerating. Now they will be in charge of your housing, job assignments, along with meeting and probably tons of worship attendance.

    Sounds great!


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The Post Armageddon story has within itself even more bullshit than the pre.

    Stories from the imaginative minds of primitive men brought up into are modern times by proselytizing religious zealots out for power and money.

    The calamitous Armageddon sells, ask Jack Van Impe or any Hollywood executive they'll tell you.

    You cant denied the commercial appeal that it offers, C.T. Russell is another one who knew of this as well.

    Lets face it anything that poses an immediate threat to your life is going to draw attention, no matter whose mouth it comes from.

  • parakeet

    They're not braindead, silly birdie, they just have a whole hellovalota more faith than you, I, and 90% of the people on this board all put together.

    Yeah, faith, shamus. If you want to call it "faith," go right ahead. I've got some other names for it, but the rules of this site prevent me from saying what they are.

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