"I don't think God is just going to snap his fingers, and everything is perfect the day after.
Once again, everyone who survived will have to prove their worth, fortitude, and ability to be in subjection to the morons you just spent the last 50 years tolerating. Now they will be in charge of your housing, job assignments, along with meeting and probably tons of worship attendance."
First off, Jehoober is a God of order, not of disorder, so there is NO WAY he will let the cleanup last 1,000 years. He's already training the Dubs for the job by having them bring their brooms and dust pans to the District Conventions and having them do yard work at the KH cleaning. Throw in cleaning up any dead birds, etc., out of the KH gutters or from the KH parking lot and you have a fully trained Post-A Earth Restoration Crew. Isn't this a loving provision from the great and powerful Jehoober?
Second, the morons you've been tolerating for 50 years won't just be in charge of you for the cleanup. They'll be in charge of you forever, with the great Jehoober's blessing. Now they'll progress to being perfect a$$holes rather than just a$$holes.
Third, worship for Dubs is going out in field service. Since the all powerful and ever-loving Jehoober will have killed off all the householders (but left their homes intact and ready for the Dubs to occupy), there will be no need for field service, thus no need for worship. I guess this means that Jehoober will be destroying all of the coffee shops and the heathens in them, as there will no longer be coffee breaks.
Ah, yes, life in paradise. Even the birds will be chirping Kingdom Melodies all day long.