Remember this?
The Noah let a black bird called a raven out of the ark. It woudl fly away for a while and then it would come back, because it could not find a good place to land. It kept doing this and each time it returned, it would rest on the ark.Far be it from me to pick any holes in Gods book but ...Noah wanted to see if the waters had run off the earth, so next he sent a dove out of the ark. But the dove came back too because it did not find a place to stay. Noah sent it out a second time, and it brought back an olive leaf in it's beak. So Noah knewthat the waters had gone down. Noah sent out the dove a thrid time, and finally it found a dry place to live.
God now spoke to Noah. He said: "Go out of the ark. Take your whole family and the animals with you."
Why the switch from raven to dove? Wasn't it trying hard enough?
How lucky was it coming back with an olive branch that just happens to now be (post flood) a native plant to that area. Why not an Oak branch?
Just because it didn't come back the third time it doesn't follow that it had found a dry pace to live - it could have been floating upside down after getting lost and not making it back and was being eaten by sharks. Maybe it had got so fed up with the 'smell of shit' on the ark that it couldn't face going back and decided to end it all.
Why all this piddling about with birds anyway? Why not just look out of the damn ark! If it's dry where you are then you come out and don't need to send a dove out to know that. If it isn't dry then so what if the dove did find somewhere - can you fly? NO! So stay in the damn ark!
What are the chances of the other doves finding that one to mate? Weren't some doves sacrificed as well? Why do we still have them?
Did Noah think god had pulled a big plug out somewhere? Where was the water supposed to be going? (Maybe the drowning dove drank it all?)
What kind of idiot would make this stuff up, never mind believe it!