This morning, my grandmother died at age 92. She was a JW and I never told her that I quit years ago (but I guess my father told her). Fortunately, I had a chance to see her a last time this Tuesday when I tried to see her and learnt she was in hospital. My father had not told me that she was in hospital. He was busy auxiliary pioneering. At least, I got the call today that she died. It was an uncompassionate call just stating the fact and then stopping the call. I am sad and angry about my parents' bahavior.
My Grandmother has died today
by GermanXJW 29 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
I'm sorry for your loss.
As hard as it is, try to forgive your family, "for they know not what they do".
AK - Jeff
Sorry for your loss.
Ditto on the 'family forgiveness', as hard as that may seem. Remember you are dealing with people who are under a near hypnotic spell in many ways. They just follow the rules without thinking about them.
Sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you have some great memories of her to sustain you.
Black Sheep
My condolences to you and your family.
With sympathy...
So sorry to hear your sad news.
Sorry to hear of your sad news. At least they called, which is small comfort. I have read on this board of those who found out that family had died only from non-jw relatives or even looking it up on the Social Security Death Index.
Love, Blondie and Irreverent
Unser tiefstes Beileid.
Sorry for your loss. :(
Very sorry to hear that........(((((hugs)))))) sammieswife.