I am so sorry.
My Grandmother has died today
by GermanXJW 29 Replies latest jw friends
read good books
I am sorry for your loss. Having had a similar experience with my mother I can only say it is a lesson for everyone to tell others how hard hearted the JW's are.
At least you still have the memories.
No one can take them.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
German XJW you have my deepest sympaties. My prayers go out to you and your family.
Thanks for your words of condolence and advice. I had not not heeded this advice to wait until I have calmed down but had called my parents back and had told them what I think of their behavior. But there are walls around them. They say we do not have a common bases and do not match. Of course, they are also in a difficult situation and I should have waited.
I have also given up the hope that they awake. My father was inactive for some time due to issues with his fellow elders but he went back and is more convinced than before. I am afraid if he or my mother should wake up from the cult it will be too late due to age to have a serious talk.
yadda yadda 2
Our thoughts go with you and do not let the harsh way the message was conveyed upset you even more.
Dear GermanXJW,
I am sorry that you have lost your Grandmother.
I am pained by the way your parents gave you this sad news.
You are stronger than you realize.
Take comfort in knowing that many here care about you and understand exactly what you feel because it has happened to them, too.
Cast off your anger to deal with another day and take the time now to reflect on the good memories of your Grandmother.
sorry for your loss xx
I too am sorry for your loss. I hope you have good memories to remember her by
Remember no matter what anyone says. We only have ONE Judge..He will set things
right IN LOVE!!! These poor souls are blinded,by the strict rules of the WT
just like Robots they must obey....Take a deep breath ,dont bother to call them any more.Just pray for them.I am sure
your Granny would want you to do that (((HUG))) -
My thoughts are especially with those who grieve due to the recent passing of my father.
Know this that the vast majority of people on this site share and understand your unique pain
It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." J. K. Rowling
Show that your choice is to honor your grandmother.. remember and follow the wise words below !
Take comfort in knowing that many here care about you and understand exactly what you feel because it has happened to them, too.
Cast off your anger to deal with another day and take the time now to reflect on the good memories of your Grandmother.
Cameo- d
Sorry for your loss.. may you find comfort and peace !