Why does the Watchtower Society always choose harsh legalism over love

by yadda yadda 2 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    One of the most disturbing aspects of the organisation for me is that the Watchtower leaders prefer legalistic, harsh, pharasaical interpretations on a range of doctrines/policies that have the potential to severely harm peoples lives, when there are more loving and reasonable positions/interpretations that could easily be adopted by the Governing Body without feeling they were betraying the scriptures.

    For example:

    1. Blood transfusions a clear no-no scripturally, a gross sin worthy of disfellowshipment (harsh, pharasaical legalistic approach) - OR - It's debateable and we can't be sure. Dogmatism not appropriate in matters of life or death. Is up to the conscience of mature, baptized Christians (reasonable, kinder approach).

    2. Bible 'two-witness' rule applies to cases of alleged child sexual abuse, "We do not go beyond what is written" - Ted Jaracz (harsh, rigid, legalistic approach). - OR - In scripture the 'two-witness' rule only applied to sins against adults, not innocent children. Children need extra protection. Jesus said love and mercy more important than OT scriptural rules (loving, sensible approach).

    3. Must totally shun all disfellowshipped/disassociated persons as if they're dead, no matter the reason for being announced as "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses", even if they're family (with rare exceptions) or close friends. 2 John 9-11 applies to all disfellowshipped persons (harsh, legalistic approach). - OR - 1 Cor 5 is clear on avoiding socialising/eating with them. If bump into them incidentally, be polite and can offer some encouragement in spirit of 2 Thess 3:14. Do not treat as a friend nor as an enemy. 2 John 9-11 only reserved for those now teaching disbelief in God and Jesus (more reasonable, less cruel approach).

    The men who run the organisation could very easily adopt these more loving and reasonable positions using sound scriptural reasoning that is just as/more cogent than the reasoning they employ to support their current legalistic, fanatical interpretations. The rank and file wouldn't think twice if there was a shift to these more moderate positions. It would be quickly accepted as refreshing 'new light'.

    Yet the few men who run the organisation, who have total and unquestioned authority over all JW doctrine and teaching, continue to uphold the harsh, legalistic positions. Why? Why do they stick with these cruel, rigid interpretations when there are sensible alternatives with sound scriptural arguments behind them. If they are presently ignorant to alternative interpretations then surely a spirit of love and intellectual curiosity should move them to investigate alternative interpretations that are more in accord with the godly law of love, particularly in matters concerning the health and safety of little children. Why they don't do this is very hard to fathom in light of Jesus' clear condemnation of the Pharisees legalistic, rules based approach to worship, insisting on strict adherence to rigidly narrow interpretations of scripture while shoving aside love, mercy, justice.

    Like many ex-JW's, I will never contemplate returning to the organisation as long as these unloving, harsh, legalistic policies that are entirely debateable are upheld by the Watchtower leadership, policies that have harmed and even contributed to the death of many.

  • passwordprotected

    The Holy Spirit's chief characteristic, and by extension fruitage, is love.

    If a religious organisation lacks this essential quality, it's unlikely it doesn't have the Holy Spirit.

  • Heaven

    It serves their agenda which has very little, if anything, to do with Love.

    One more reason I never joined.

  • boyzone

    Hi Yadda

    Yes I agree they could easily change these doctrines for a gentler approach - but they won't, not without a serious change of heart and leadership.

    For example, the GB daren't change the doctrine about blood despite knowing the whole thing doesn't make sense because the outcry from those brothers and sisters who have lost loved ones, including children adhering to this policy would be so scandalous it would totally end their control. And its ALL about maintaining control.

    Same goes for the disfellowshiping rule. It should be about showing love to erring ones as JESUS would have shown love, (Jesus NEVER shunned). The problem is the Society have lumped all disfellowshipped and disassociated together under the same banner regardless of whether they were thrown out for fornication or for apostasy. And its those they call apostates that they're most afraid of. Its that intense fear of "apostates" that keeps the disfellowshiping rule in place.

    They know that they're being too harsh in their understanding of the proof scriptures they use (Ray Franz proves that in ISOCF) but its an absolute must to maintain information control. By demonizing those that disagree with them, the Society have made the rank and file very fearful. Its all part and parcel of making sure the average Witness never hears what total frauds the GB are. Because once the cat is out of the bag, there's no going back and the old men in Brooklyn are out of a job.

    The 2 witness rule was a media smoke-screen for the paedophile problem. A smoke-screen that totally backfired on them. By invoking the 2 witness rule and trying to keep the pedo problem in-house and out of the public eye, they were able to cling onto a finely honed public image of themselves as "God's Organization". By making it hush-hush, they could also continue to slag off the Catholic church for having this very public problem. It enabled them to elevate themselves in their own eyes and in the eyes of the average Witness.

    Don't be fooled by the platitudes about the children since being found out. They don't give a damn about the victims of abuse, it was all about protecting their precious reputation. The sorrow expressed for the victims is purely a media damage-limitation exercise. If they really cared about the abused children in their midst, they would have gone to the authorities immediately.

    So all in all the Society daren't take a softer line on any of these issues. Its nothing to do with what the bible says on these subjects, it never has been. Its all about what is politically expedient to maintaining their control of nearly 7 million people keeping themselves on a very high pedestal.

    Power and control. Thats what its all about.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    People who don't understand unconditional love certainly don't know how to make rules based on it.

    From the time Rutherford took over the WTS has tightened the noose around the necks of the r&f. He was not known for his loving attitude towards others. He had a double standard when it came to how JWs should live. He lived in luxury while the r&f slaved away for his luxuries.

    Dysfunctional, abusive people create dysfunctional abusive rules for others to live by. And those rules get passed down from one generation to the next just like in any abusive family.

    And you can't change the system from the inside because the power is top down. Even revolutions from the masses at the bottom rarely work because whoever takes over winds up using the same rules.

    I agree they know they are being harsh. But they truly believe that ruling with an iron fist is the only way to control people.

    They really don't understand that a soft loving approach works best. They just don't have a clue

  • AllTimeJeff
    Dysfunctional, abusive people create dysfunctional abusive rules for others to live by. And those rules get passed down from one generation to the next just like in any abusive family.

    This is as true in religions and any group as it is in real families, and certainly true with JW's.

    They are not interested in being loving. Even their own definition of love (agape) serves their own ends, as it is a love of what is right. (as defined by the Governing Body)

    Thus, the GB can claim anything to be loving if it is attached to their idea of righteousness/definition of right. In short, you are to love their laws, not YWHW, Jesus, or anyone else. Their laws come first.

  • blondie

    This book may be helpful:

    The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    It's run by its Legal Department. What else can a bunch of sheisters do but judge others and try to manipulate them with rules?

  • Balsam

    It's weird to me now, when I became a JW back in 1972 I just had a strong feeling something wasn't quite right. We even ran into a pocket of disgruntled JW's and I felt something was unloving about the disfellowshipping policy of that time. Even then my then husband and I went into it accepting the blood policy easily and fell into complete obience. The strange thing is we totally stopped questioning the weird stuff. I can't for the life of me figure out what made us go so totally bindly into the JW's despite our discomfort. Today my ex-husband is still in it and a totally changed man from the one I married. We both checked our reasoning ability at the door and accepted the legalistic attitude.

    The sad thing is the legalistic over bearing attitude of the governing body makes no sense. I am so glad I left when I did but still it wasn't soon enough to save my boys from the having to deal with blood transfusion refusal.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The indoctrination process is pretty thorough

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