Why does the Watchtower Society always choose harsh legalism over love

by yadda yadda 2 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Basically, it wouldn't be a cult anymore. The last few ocassions I have spoken with jws, I make a point to ask about their dfd sons, daughters, parents, etc. They always hang their heads in shame and mutter a few regretful words. It is what they have been taught to do.

    Then I make a comment to them saying something nice about the dfd/fading relative. One lady told me her son was divorced and had a new girlfriend and had no interest in the "truth". I said I hoped he found happiness with his new girlfriend because I always liked him.

    They are usually caught of guard because they expect you to shake your head and be sad. I haven't come across one jw who didn't stop and allow the real personality to show for just a moment.

    It's truly sad how all hope for someone they love has been taken away from them. One mother, years ago, told me we wouldn't care if our children were destroyed by God. I was already having serious doubts about the religion and that helped to seal it for me.

    Legalism over love is what is demanded, but it can be untaught. We used to think that way to some degree. It is so freeing when you realize it's the other way around.

  • Warlock

    In my opinion, they ARE the modern day Pharisees.


  • passwordprotected

    The Holy Spirit's chief characteristic, and by extension fruitage, is love.

    If a religious organisation lacks this essential quality, it's unlikely it doesn't have the Holy Spirit.

    I was actually trying to say the wouldn't have the Holy Spirit, but my double-negative made it sound like I was saying the opposite...

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Great posts.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    a corporation's goal is to survive. There is no compassion. It simply exists to exist. Any decision to not further this is a cause to remove that individual

  • Chalam

    Isaiah 29:13 (New International Version)

    13 The Lord says:
    "These people come near to me with their mouth
    and honor me with their lips,
    but their hearts are far from me.
    Their worship of me
    is made up only of rules taught by men.

    All the best,


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Thats why we have a bunch of old men in Broklyn to give us there view as WITNESS LAW! We have afew "Popes" of our own.

  • jeeprube

    Great thread Yada! What you have written is so true, and so simple. Love conquers all. It's a fact that all great spiritual leaders have recognized and tried to instill in their followers. Unfortunately, religious movements are always high jacked by men who wish to dominate and control other men.

    The GB will never show love in their teachings because their ultimate goal is not the well being of their followers, it is to control and dominate their followers. There is no love involved in that.

  • LouBelle

    perhaps because they don't see love as a very important issue - though christ does say "by their love, you will know them" It's all about how they look on the outside - sure it may look white washed...

  • Nellie

    And unfortunately, by extention, many elders over the years have also adopted a "beat 'em till they bleed" mentality. I've always been amazed how a seemingly "loving" brother becomes a beast when dealing with a judicial matter - a doctor jeckel/mr hyde - so much for those fruits!

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