I Got My Book!!!

by sweetone2377 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetone2377

    It's been a while since I've posted here. But I am just so excited. I ordered a copy of Crisis of Conscience from Borders and just picked it up. I told DH that he could have the computer all night because I want to READ!! I am just so excited and I'm sure I'll be back to post about my findings as I will be just as excited then as I am now.

    I want to thank everyone here, for, without finding this site I would have never known about Ray Franz's books. I am still in search of the other one and have a number to call about it.

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

  • Fouramese

    I want to thank everyone here, for, without finding this site I would have never known about Ray Franz's books. I am still in search of the other one and have a number to call about it.

    I got mine from Borders...it was way cheaper. It too is a great read...I know you will be blessed by reading both of the books.

  • sweetone2377

    Yes, I got the paper back, it was nearly $10 cheaper than the hard back. I paid a little more than $11 for it. I was so glad to have found it so cheap and I am greatly looking forward to reading it.

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

  • Prisca

    When I read posts like this it reminds me of how I first felt when I ordered and picked up my copy of C of C. I was excited to finally get to read in full (excerps are available on various sites) this book. I was so scared too, afraid that I would be caught reading it!! Thankfully those fears were not realised.

    C of C more or less confirmed many things about the WTS I had suspected. There were so missing pieces, and the book helped put everything together.

    Happy reading, sweetone!

  • Simon

    I found them great books = they really do put to rest any lingering doubts or feelings that it may still all possibly somehow be right (even though you know it isn't)

    If anything, I think they show that it is all calculated and sinister and not just a bunch of people who are misled or believe things themselves.

  • Kristen

    I just ordered COC and ISOCF from my local library a few days ago. I had COC a few years ago but didn't get to read it all the way through. And this will be the first time for the second book. I'm excited too.

    And the best part of it all is I don't have to buy them! Well...I'll have to eventually return them, but that's all right. I have a good memory.

    Frugal Kristen

  • Trotafox

    Happy reading Sweetone and Kristen. When I bought C of C, it was strapped to me. It went everywhere with me. I read it at every opporunity. One poster once used a term that pretty well suited my feelings after reading it: "I felt like Dorothy pulling back the curtain in the Wizard of Oz". You'll be amazed to find out what's going on behind those closed GB doors.


    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • ISP

    Enjoy! I did. I lent it out. I've not seen it in over a year! Its doing the rounds.....


  • biblexaminer

    The first time I glanced into COC, I was in a library, thinking that at any moment, an elder would walk around the corner and confront me.

    Well, guess what. An elder DID walk around the corner just as I was getting up to look for any more books. SHOCK! You can't imagine.

    All I could think, as I went numb, was how the hell is HE here...?

    I was with another ro, my best friend. He had the book in his hand as he walked around the corner and BHAM! there was the elder. He shook hands and I took over as he scampered away to lose the book ANYWHERE.

    It seems we got away with it, but I had the evil eye on me for a while.

    I did write down the address of Ray's, so I ordered the book, and then ISOCF and then GTR and then Last Days... and then.... and then...

  • gumby

    COC is the book that confirmed my feeling and got me out.
    Easy to read, documented, and Ray gives an excellent look at what true christianity is all about.
    Happy reading and we all look forward to your opinion on it.

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