I Got My Book!!!

by sweetone2377 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • buffalosrfree

    Bibleexaminer, Hi I bet your heart must have picked up in rhythm when you beheld the elder. Just being apprehensive over the thought of one of the elders seeing you reading a non pronographic book should have sent alarms racing throughout your system. Why should you have been afraid if the borg wasn't a cult and you had true freedom of religion?

    Wel we both know that freedom of religion does not exist in the borg, There is no freedom where Jehovah'w witnesses are concerned. The trumpets which should alarm people fall upon deaf ears.

    You can get a mule's attention with a two by four but you can't get a jdubs attention with truth. I suppose most (like we all were at one time) are rather mulish in thought process. They have been led to the water but like a horse you can'tr force them to drink. Buff my $.02

  • sweetone2377

    I fell asleep last night (actually this morning, I do remember reading the clock at 3 am) with CofC clutched tightly into my bossom. I was amazed to find that when I awoke, the book did not have a wrinkle or distorted page. I was sure that a page would have gotten ripped during my sleep. I am on page 100 now and I have just loved it! I can't wait to finish it so I can read it again. I also think that my dad would greatly enjoy it. I have found many shocking truths. So far my emotions have ranged from anger, sadness, amazement, and sheer happiness. The book in my lap this very moment, for fear the children will find it and "taint" it with their crayons.

    I was reading about judicial committees and realized that during mine (when I had commited immorality by fornication), there were 3 elders (one of which was not allowed to speak or act) and myself only. The one who had brought it all to light was a disfellowshipped sister and she was never there to give her testimony. I was never given the option to appeal their decision (isn't it suppose to be a week?) and the announcement was made the following night. That angered me.

    Reading the way he worded how families are ripped apart touched me deeply as I am experiencing many unneccessary tortures at this time because of they way that they practice shunning.

    In my congregation the elders still followed the practice of prying into private intimate marital matters. The fact that the NWT was actually translated by someone who had such little knowledge of the Greek and Hebrew languages made me laugh. And how marraige was frowned upon and those brothers who married were stripped of their priviledges, then this line of thought was changed just before Knorr was married. Then there was the fact that Russell and Rutheford both considered themselves the only sole channel from God which is really no different than ones today coming forward and professing to be Christ in the flesh. And these were just a few things that have stood out to me so far.

    It is disgusting to see the great lengths that the "Society", actually the President, went to to keep control of every rank and file member of the organization. I knew that they were very controlling of virtually every aspect of my life, but reading just how far that they went, double standards, etc, is just sickening.

    I must say that this is THE most interesting publication I have ever set eyes on and I am thoroughly enjoying it to the fullest. I am already considering ordering a copy for my mother and sister, who are both still trapped in the borg. Although I'm pretty sure it would hit the trash before it made it outside of the post office (at least that's what they would be told to do with it, although I really think that curiosity just might get the best of them, especially my sister, who loves to read).

    Again, I want to thank everyone who was here for me during my ranting and ventings filled with anger and pain. And a big thank you to all of you for introducing this book to me. I cannot wait to get my hands on ISOCF!!

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

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