I hate to beat a dead horse. But just curious. WINSTONCHURCHILL a new poster on the board is a former longtime CO, What is your take on this?
Any mores news / rumors on no COs come 2011 - (winston?)
by tresdecu 25 Replies latest jw friends
I would be interested in Churchills take as well.... Of all the rumors I have heard, this one was the most credible, based on all the changes that have been made at the elder level....
Mickey mouse
BTTT because I would like Winston's take on this too.
thanks for the bump...I was just going to let it go. But since I'm here, another NTT (nudge to the top)
Btw Winston, if you read this, I have been enjoying your posts. Hope things go well for you. I am a newly 'former MS'. Just stepped down a couple weeks ago. But still active.
Well, I'm flattered! I have to say that I find it very funny that I (of all people!) am 'famous' within an 'apostate' website. If my congregation only knew!!!
Ok. I rush to clarify that the above was just a (lame) joke. I respect and appreciate all the brilliant people here, and I'm glad I joined.
Now BTTT, As I told Tredescu a few days ago, I really don't know. I have heard the rumors, but nothing about no more CO's.
The rumor is old, BTW, so that takes credibility from it. MY GUT tells me that some changes are on the way. And as Jeff says we shouldn't underestimate recent changes:
1) Moving out of Brooklyn (Believe me, it's gonna happen). Mayor Bloomberg (and half Brooklyn) wants them out! And you can avoid death thru resurrection, but Taxes? I don't think so. GOV. Patterson is traying to tax SODAS! You think WTS is gonna get away from property taxes?
2) Drastic Downsizing, and simplification. Reduction of reports, meetings, magazines. A huge, unprecedented, unthinkable move towards the internet for Congregation stuff (You know, reports, contributions, Music, dramas, magazines and books now downloadable. Even forms and Public Talk Outlines are downloadable, with the necessary access privileges (Before you ask, NO, I won't give you my access, LOL). I went to the 117 Adams Factory Two weeks ago, and is a ghost town with a bunch of old folks. That's not a Factory; more like St. Peter's waiting room.
3) PO title nixed, while getting more training (Patterson school). Why Patterson? Why bother so much? We're hitting May and no word on local elder's school. It was due this year. Not doing it anymore?
4) A biggie to me: Reg. Pioneers to be directly named by local elders. It is the very first time EVER that a named privileged is not in society's/CO's hands. I still wonder why.
SO , I really hate not being up to your expectations guys, but I don't know a lot. I'll see if my conections tell me something.
IMHO, The CO arrangement is just dying. Most bros just hate the visits. The magic and the charisma is gone. It's just not doing it anymore, and the cost and liabilities are big for the WTS. There's also the huge "relay" problem: WHERE are they going to get new CO's, as the older ones die, leave, get sick, etc.? Those of us who are active and involved: How many young elders willing and able to be CO's do you know? Not a lot, uh?
Same goes for assemblies: People just CAN'T TAKE 'EM anymore. They probably will have to reduce assemby days or something like that.
And to all of you, thanks for your kind words. I wish some of my JW friends could enjoy this site. Who knows, maybe they are.
WC - oops, maybe you did tell me 'you didn't know' a few days ago on another thread. my alzheimers is kicking in. sorry.:-)
anyway thanks for responding, this kind of info/speculation is always enjoyable for me to read. #2 very interesting...DRASTIC DOWNSIZING.
Thanks and Welcome Winston!!
4) A biggie to me: Reg. Pioneers to be directly named by local elders. It is the very first time EVER that a named privileged is not in society's/CO's hands. I still wonder why.
It's simple.
Remove liability from the corporate entity. It's the local congregations fault for making brother child molester a pioneer. It's not our fault - and we're not going to pay you a thing.
"Remove liability from the corporate entity. It's the local congregations fault for making brother child molester a pioneer. It's not our fault - and we're not going to pay you a thing."
That could be a reason, shamus. But the WTS is still informed and the pioneer registered with them oficially.
I think that what you point to is a by-product of a wider thing, a bigger goal they have, i.e. downsizing, cuting expenses (you wouldn't believe how LOW contributions are lately), and de-centralizing. I think they'll keep on 'delegating' on local elders and congregations. That way they save, they become more cost-effcient, and - as you pointed- they get rid of a lot of liability.
I find it funny that they 1) had only the PO's go to Patterson, then 2) change the title to coordinator, ostensibly because it put so much emphasis on one elder... lol.
Well, its still wait and see time I guess. Thanks Winston!