If You Won A Million $$$ How Would You Spend It?

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mattieu

    Buy a nice house on a few acres and look after my family (give most of it away)..... And oh, a nice bottle or two of Johnny Walker Blue label...

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    I would prefer 20 million after taxes or even 50 million.

    I would get my Husband a Race Track and Pay off my sons house.

  • jaguarbass

    I'd take the 700,000 after taxes put it in the bank at 5% and stop working and live

    off the 35,000 a year.

  • stillajwexelder


  • independent_tre

    Quit my job, travel, and plan on taking care of my parents as they expect this system of things to be long gone by time they retire.

  • abbagail

    I liked Willyloman's breakdown to reality...

    But at $700,000, first I'd give 10%/$70,000 divided among my fav Christian non-profits... (no 10% requirement, it's just a nice round figure to work with);

    Leaves $630,000...

    -$60,000 = Give at least $10,000 each to six siblings

    Leaves $570,000

    -$100,000 = to go live in a Natural Hygiene health center for a year to regain excellent health

    Leaves $470,000

    -$10,000+ = get all the amalgam out of my teeth and get the hairline fractures repaired caused by expanding amalgam

    Leaves $460,000

    -$75,000 = buy an RV to drive across country to get to the Natural Hygiene retreat

    Leaves $385,000

    -$100,000 = buy some gold and silver and do some midnight gardening

    Leaves $285,000...

    Leave the health retreat in tip top health shape, then travel back across country in the RV taking my sweet time and enjoy all the scenery, then sell the RV, use whatever remaining $$ is needed to buy a permanent home (no mansions required), a new Toyota to last the next 20 years, and use some to start up my few small business ideas.

    If there's any left, give more away and put some change in the bank.

  • WTWizard

    For a million dollars (after the Inflation Stimulus kicks in), I think I could just about afford a bus fare or a single candy bar.

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