Family Worship Night Rule.....

by sweet pea 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    FWN, yeah right. That's what 5% of the JW's are doing on the night they used to go to the bookstudy. Yeah.
    Of that 5%, the vast majority of them are just doing the studying they would do before the meetings on other nights.

    While I wish they would stop making being a JW easier and easier (no sense in staying in if it gets harder and harder)
    this kind of rule will be good to remind the flock that they are just there to be fleeced.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    What wonderful and timely counsel from the faithful and discreet slave, to protect us against independent thinking and apostacy. Aren't we blessed that the GB have our spiritual wellbeing at heart.

    And remember, no parties either.

  • carla

    Is this announced at all meetings? Wasn't something to this effect in a km awhile back? could be a few years old? I remember telling my jw a few years back that jw's were not allowed to just get together and have any bible studies or lively conversations independent of meetings and he didn't believe me.

  • iknowall558

    So, outwith the meeting times, (Thurs and Sun) , they are actually telling people who they can have in their own house. What if, out of the kindness of their heart, they invite up bro. or sister lonely to enjoy some spiritual food every tuesday night. Are the elders seriously gonna start counselling people about it? What if the families don't heed the warning ? Will they be disciplined ? Marked even....for rebellious behaviour ? Where will it stop ? I F***ING HATE THIS ORGANIZATION !

  • TheOldHippie

    The opposite was said here, that it would be a good idea to invite singles or those from divided families or even other families over, to study together.

  • blondie

    I do remember a study article where families were encouraged to invite single people to their family studies.

    *** w98 6/1 p. 22 Shouldering Responsibility for Family Care ***Occasionally, an invitation to the children (and, indeed, the single parent) to join the elder’s own family study may prove upbuilding and practical.

    *** km 11/02 p. 8 par. 5 Show Loving Interest in "Fatherless Boys" ***Likewise today, how beneficial it is when spiritually mature brothers and sisters take a loving interest in the fatherless boys and girls in the congregation! Do you know each one by name? Do you talk with them at Christian meetings and on other occasions? Invite them to join you in the field ministry. Perhaps you could occasionally include them, along with their single or believing parent, in your family study or in arrangements for wholesome recreation.

    *** km 6/99 p. 3 par. 2 Can You Give a Helping Hand? ***Occasionally inviting a single-parent family to sit in on your family study would provide a refreshing spiritual lift.

  • iknowall558

    What if there were about 10 or more invited to your home ? Would they view that as a meeting ? What if half the kingdom hall ended up in your house because you have a large extended family as well as lots of singles ? Are they gonna advise limiting the number you have in your home ? Are they actually gonna announce a rounded number from the platform and advise the brothers not to go beyond it.? And WORSHIP ? Where does the Worship come in. ? JWs dont worship. They Listen and Read and then become indoctrinated.

  • jwfacts

    Here is the 2007 KM that said not to form groups to do personal study (see paragraph 2), in fear of getting sidetracked beyond Watchtower provisions. It seems related to what they are now trying to prevent. A family study is less likely to go deeply beyond what was written. I remember our family studies, quick and boring.

  • verystupid77

    Oh my God. How unbelievably sad, but I know that is true.

  • blondie

    *** w82 9/1 p. 18 par. 6 "Beloved Ones, . . . Keep Yourselves in God’s Love" ***Whereas God, by his spirit, assured the unity of those loving him, those ungodly ridiculers tried to "make separations," or "distinctions," endeavoring to carry on a separating work among Jehovah’s people. (Jude 19, NewWorldTranslation, 1950 edition, footnote; Psalm 133:1-3; 1 Corinthians 1:10) Although the ridiculers spoke against faithful responsible men in the congregation, the ungodly ones expressed admiration for individuals who could benefit them. (Jude 8, 16) Like the Pharisees, they looked down on the humble, godly members of the congregation. Rather than gathering with the Lord, they tried to scatter. Even today some try to draw the unsteady away into private groups, supposedly for "Bible study." This could never promote love for God, Christ and the Christian congregation.—Luke 11:23.

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