Is the USA about to become the new Palestine?

by Gill 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pistoff

    Gill said:

    "Genetic jews are amongst the lower society of Israel and were dispensable fodder in WW 2 wheras the elite 'jewish bankers' were not touched but safely escorted from Germany. I believe it may have been HImmler or Goering who safely escorted and even carried the bags of one such family."

    Jewish bankers? You my friend are a neo nazi; go away.

  • avishai

    Gill is spouting all that bullshit about the Russian Jew's who converted, the "Khazars". What he fails to realize is that there are Jews from all over who are genetically dissimilar from China to india to Africa, etc. And that Jews count from upbringing and conversion just as much by birth. Oh, yeah, buddy, Russian Jew's and Ashkenazi's have had it REAL easy. That's why they had to sneak my great granddad over the Russian border tied to his mothers leg under a hoopskirt, to avoid lifetime conscription under the Tsars. And other relatives of mine killed by Stalin.

    Why don't you go here and look up "Russia" and see how lucky they were.

    Then, while your at it, look at which country owned more than half the world less than 100 years ago. Then come tell me who tries to take it over. After that, Gill, go fuck yourself.

  • avishai

    PS, here's a list of 395 PEOPLE just with MY LAST NAME or colse too it who died in the holocaust. AshkeNAZI my ass.!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_2KE?last_name=Davidoff&first_name=&location=&next_form=results


    Gill..I understand the Power of the Banking Familys..You and I agree on all of it,with the exception of David Icke and Jewish people.....I don`t have a problem with Jewish people...And..Lizard People is just a little over the top for me.. Alligator...............LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • avishai

    Jewish bankers? You my friend are a neo nazi; go away.


  • Gill

    Avishai - Your mind is boxed, sealed and sent on its way.

    The Elite....who have no allegiance to any race, colour or creed.....who just HAPPEN to own all the money in the world are the problem.

    YOU have not read the thread. The ordinary Jewish people are very much the Salt Of The Earth as with all ordinary people.

    YOU see the word JEWISH and immeadiately, because your mind is so condition, controlled and directed, choose TO THEN BELIEVE THE LIE THAT i AM A NAZI!

    The only NAZI ie thought NAZI is yourself!

    I'd say you deserve what is coming.....but I don't think you do.

    You will notice if you read the thread, the 'baddies' are only the inter related Elite of all nations who have taken the respectable cloak of religion on their shoulders as a disguise.

    If you want to swear at me etc after that explanation well go ahead but You have the problem here and you might, in time, choose to address it!

  • cameo-d

    Gill...Take a look at the very word 'Zion"

    XE is pronounced "z"

    XE ions

    The army of the Zionists

  • Gill

    Outlaw - I too have no problem with the Jewish people as I have said before are very much the victims of this situation as are all ordinary peoples.

    The Elite cloak themselves in the memory of the murdered six million and make themselves untouchable.

    They do not hold to the belief system of any religion, and have simply made themselves an untouchable, invisibility cloaking device.

    The Elite of all nations are of no religion creed, race etc.

    To even use the word Jew or Jewish has been manipulated in such a way that to the controlled mind it immeadiately triggers the 'Nazi' button and violent reaction, even when nothing bad or negative is said about Jewish people, just those who cloak themselves in the memories of the past so as to slide under the radar of observation.

    Avishai's malignant response was not to the fact that I had said the Jewish people were the salt of the earth and innocent of all of the activities of the elite but the fact that two words, Jewish and bankers were said in a sentence. This is a 'trigger' for violent reaction and very clever mind manipulation.

    As for the history of the Khazarians, Avishai, all I can say is start digging deeper and deeper for your information.

    I don't just take what someone says as SO until I've spent a long time researching it myself.

    Outlaw - I believe that many people cannot understand the real horror of the people who rule this world and their sheer intelligence in manipulation of the human mind.

    Unless we can begin to think out of the box which they have trapped our collective minds in we really are all doomed to the fate they have in store for us.

    The UK is so corrupt, debased and manipulated from top to bottom that I cannot for one minute imagine what tomorrow has in store for this country.

    But the USA, has the mind of so many of its fellows entrapped that unless you wake up soon, you may find yourself in one big concentration camp, for the purpose of what....time will tell. Nothing but lies upon lies have come from your leaders.....much the same as here.

    I'm beginning to think that in the UK we should be glad we have a virulent underclass ...... the Chav society who adhere to no rules and no commands from anyone. Perhaps they're the only ones who will save us......unless they are to be our undoing!

    We will see.

  • Gill

    Is it not Biden, the Vice President, who is on record as saying 'I am a Zionist! You do not have to be Jewish to be a Zionist!'

    These people are separate from the rest of humanity in that their goals are to serve their own masters, their own purpose and goal.

    By the way, has the 'Change' promised even begun in the USA or is it the same rehashed lie......over and over......

    To repeat, the Elite, Zionists etc are not Jewish as such, but cloak themselves in religion, belief, a certain race, for a malignant purpose.

  • Gill

    Cameo-d - Thanks! I will take some time to look that up.

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