Is the USA about to become the new Palestine?

by Gill 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai
    By the way, Gill, if you go back through your posts and substitue blacks, negroes, or africans for jews, elite, etc, you will see how racist you sound.

    Yep. His "Jews are the salt of the earth but those OTHER jews...." Is the same BS I've heard from others, i.e "OH, I LOVE black people, I just don't like ni**ers, there is a difference, you know!"

  • Robdar

    Avi, you have a pm. Please respond.

  • Robdar
  • PrimateDave

    First, I would like to suggest that by focusing on Jews (whatever that designation means in reality?), this topic has failed to accomplish anything productive.

    Second, Palestinian natives are Semitic peoples, therefore anyone who supports freeing them from oppression can hardly be accused of anti-Semitism. I think that there are political groups who create the antagonism between settlers and natives for their own profit. That being the probable case, I see no solutions coming in the short term and a great deal of human suffering and damage for the long term.

    There is no justification for persecuting any family, tribe, nation, religion, or race. Ever. The atrocities committed against Jews no matter what national origin should never occur again. By the same token, Israel should not persecute the native inhabitants of Palestine.

    Finally, I would like to once again address the notion that somehow the people of the United States will be the victims of a conspiracy by "Zionist Jews" and their Fundamentalist Christian enablers (who will be enraptured, of course ). That is a load of Bull Crap.

    The Oligarchs (corporations) are in charge. And they need us like a farmer needs his fields, crops, and barns. That's right. We are farmed for our labor, and it is so pervasive as to be like the air we breathe. Unfortunately, the tin foil hat crowd fails to show how simply and effectively the system works. It can be understood, and with a bit of knowledge one can decide how to deal with it.

    Here is a great video that discusses what is happening and why most people are oblivious to the methods being used: John Harris - It's an Illusion

    John deals with the United Kingdom, but I've read similar material that shows the same system is in effect in North America as well. It is not a conspiracy. It's a whole lot worse.


  • Gill

    You just cannot get your mind out of the box, can you?

    If you knew who I was, you would know it would not be possible for what you claim of me, racism, to be true, but you use certain words, ie Jew, black, negro, etc as 'block words' or words that imply the person who uses them is racist.

    Therefore you cannot or will not understand what I am saying simply because you choose not to.

    Do you remember the cartoon of Mohommad fiasco, when Muslims protested because a cartoon was drawn?

    The reason violent protest occurred was the boxed thought processes of the muslim protesters had been triggered and violence it was programmed to do.

    I challenge you thinking and you scream and rant like a toddler told that father christmas is not real. But you still want father christmas to be real and think that if you scream and shout and abuse me furthur and furthur Father Xmas will again be real.

    But all I have said is that the Elite oligarchs of the world have created an invisibility cloak for themselves.....and you scream and scream RACIST! RACIST! Just as you have been programmed to scream and refuse to understand what I have said.

    I take it you cannot understand as you do not know enough and there you have my sympathy.

    I cannot help you and what will happen will happen, whether you understand it or want to understand it.

    I also think this thread may not have been blocked (though I know it possible that it might) simply because greater minds actually understand and see what I have said and know this is not racism.

    The Elite oligarchs are not limited to Jewish society but linked to Zionism which has nothing to do with the Jewish people.

    But it has taken 7 years of intense study to understand the occult and I cannot expect people who once, such as my self, had NO IDEA AT ALL about what was really going on.

    To finally understand, is why I see that many others are on this journey of understanding and see the injustice against the innocent have occured for an evil purpose.

    If you remember only one thing it is that Zionism has nothing to do with the Jewish faith, that is simply evil people using the innocent as shields.

    My sympathies if you do not understand and I hope this may drive you to discover our hidden history and may help you to realise that the journey to discover the secrets behind this tangled web of our world are more horrific than we imagine.

    I think 'Jewish' bankers should have been in apostrophes to help understand the point I made, but it is too late to make that grammatical adjustment, but sometimes I just believe foolishly that others have also begun to understand, and yet some have not even started. There are many other ELITE families who wreak havoc and destruction on this world and are able to control the minds of people who have no urge to know 'WHY' and are willing to swallow anything they are told they must believe, otherwise they will be called evil names. But even I would have not believed some of these things a few years ago and have worked hard to discover the unpalatable reality.

    The reality of this world is shocking. Make time to discover it.

    Good luck to you all for the future.

  • Gill

    All said and done Robdar, I think you are right and this thread should be blocked, removed but .....remembered by you.

    You chose to bully, scream at and abuse and deliberatly misunderstand the point I was making just because you felt you could, along with Avishai shout me down.

    Go for it.

    All said and done, if you actually read what I've said, and I apologise for not using the apostrophes to indicate the point I was making, that is definitely my fault, but I was trying to explain that these people used the bloodshed of the innocent as method of disguising, cloaking themselves.

    If you want to disprove that, read the whole thread and you will see I am right in this. I am not responsible for others lack of understanding though definitely responsible for not using apostrophes as an indication of intent. This was a grave grammatical error in that it meant the whole meaning was lost.

    I understand why some people like to 'bully and scream' at others and no longer care for it.

    Simon, would you kindly remove this thread for me!

    With many thanks to you, Simon as always. Gill

  • Robdar

    Hi Gill,

    I know you think you have special knowledge and the rest of us are just a bunch of sheep. Maybe we are, maybe we are not. I just know that I have looked at the same "evidence" that you have and I have drawn a separate conclusion. And whether you like it or not, you are coming across as a raging racist.

    I can see how you suffer and I appreciate you trying to warn me of the evil you perceive to be afoot in the world. This is the only reason I haven't handed you your ass on a platter.

    If you think this thread hasn't been closed because administrators on this forum agree with you, think again. It could just be that nobody has noticed it yet. And you giving permission to close it does not negate the fact that this thread is a paranoid and racist piece of work.

  • avishai
    You chose to bully, scream at and abuse and deliberatly misunderstand the point I was making just because you felt you could, along with Avishai shout me down.

    Oh for god's sake man, playing the victim really doesn't suit you, Gill. I disagreed with you. And told you to go eff yourself. On a computer. With words. If you really feel the way you do in the sentence above, no wonder you think theres a huge conspiracy out to get you. Must suck to feel so powerless.

    Unfortunately, just like being a JW, believing these things allows you to sit on your butt and not do anything to change the world. Because it's gonna end, or it's controlled by a cabal of reptiles or jews. Go outside, get some fresh air and then go read the book off the subgenius. Best conspiracy book ever.

  • Gill


    Naturally, I agree with you.

    But why would you think that I believe the world is going to end.....when I don't.

    YOu see you read your own ideas into what I say. But the world is NOT going to end.

    But bad things happen in the world and continue to do so if 'good men' do nothing about it.

    Darkness needs light to shine on it and history has a bad habit of repeating itself, tragically.

    I also do not feel like a 'victim' and apologise for appearing to do so.

    With the greatest of respect, I will not continue this conversation as it is difficult to have different meanings to those intended attributed to your words.

    Avishai, I don't care that you used rude words to tell me what to do with myself as I am sure you felt this an appropriate way to express yourself and I do not judge it at all.

    Robdar - History is not 'special knowledge'. Anyone can choose to read it if they want to.

  • Robdar

    Robdar - History is not 'special knowledge'. Anyone can choose to read it if they want to.

    Gill, I've read history. I have a pretty good knowlege of American history, English too. I just do not read the conspiracy rantings and consider them to be fact.

    I know the world is scary. It has never been a sane place to be. It was scary even before the late 19th century when the zionists you hold in such high esteem first got their political start.

    I find it funny how you tell me my mind is closed when your's is so obviously fixed and fixated to the point of no reason.

    Anyway, thank you for your concern and all.

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