Being Poor is A Crime

by sammielee24 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anti-Christ

    You should all move to Canada. Legal representation is a right, health care is a right, cops do not have the right to search your car or your person (pack sack for example ) with out a warrant they can not even start surveillance of you home with out a warrant. If you can not pay a fine you can do community service and most of the time fines are very easy to contest. Polices can't hold you for questioning if your are not under arrest, and if you are you have a right to an attorney. The police are required to be polite and respectful with you and they must provide identification if it is demanded.

    If you loose your job they are programs that pay you while you go to school and help you find a job. In Quebec if you are out in the streets there is a big chance it's because you what to be out in the streets, we have a lot of great programs for the poor.

    Mothers have a year off after they give birth (76% of your gross income the first 8 week and then 56% the rest of the year) fathers get 5 weeks at 76%. Day care cost 7$ a day plus you get money from the government ( provincial and federal). Employers are required by law to give you 2 weeks vacations with pay after a year of full time work. the list goes on..

  • PrimateDave

    Well, I'm moving to Quebec! Now I just need to learn French!


  • Anti-Christ

    You don't have to learn french, it helps but it is not 100% necessary. You can live in Montreal and the Eastern Townships and never speak a word of french. Quebec is not perfect of course but I like it.

  • kurtbethel
    You should all move to Canada. Legal representation is a right, health care is a right, cops do not have the right to search your car or your person (pack sack for example ) with out a warrant they can not even start surveillance of you home with out a warrant. If you can not pay a fine you can do community service and most of the time fines are very easy to contest. Polices can't hold you for questioning if your are not under arrest, and if you are you have a right to an attorney. The police are required to be polite and respectful with you and they must provide identification if it is demanded.

    Yes, wonderful stuff, EXCEPT the immigration standards are so tough that most people would never qualify.

  • beksbks

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