I Want to Learn How to Type

by compound complex 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog ...

    I typed most of the above without looking. Well ... sort of....

    Any suggestions on self-taught typing?



  • journey-on

    Know the proper position of the fingers on the keyboard, then...PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE! There is a game called "Typing Shark" that helps develop speed.

    (Oh, I should add that I am not self-taught. I was a JW in high school, and we were told to take courses that would benefit us right out of high school, so I took all the secretarial, typing and shorthand classes I could.)

  • BurnTheShips

    Heheh. I can't type either, and I WORK on computers all day long.

  • journey-on

    This is another phrase that is supposed to develop your typing skills:

    "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of his country." (I just remembered that from a long long time ago...Gosh! I'm dating myself. Does anybody even know what shorthand is, or should I say was anymore!? lol)

  • Elsewhere

    You need to get a typing training program. It will teach you the basics, such as the Home Row, and then challenge you to type things that start out very simple and then gradually get more complex.


    I was very lucky that I learned to touch-type in 7th grade. I have NO idea how I could function without this ability.

    Go for it!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Who originated, "Now is the time for all good men ..."

    September 16, 1977

    Dear Cecil:

    Where did the sentence, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party" originate?

    — Lotte B., Phoenix

    Dear Lotte:

    From the typewriter it came, and to the typewriter it shall return: the phrase was proposed as a typing drill by a teacher named Charles E. Weller. Incidentally, many typing books now use the variant "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country" instead, because it exactly fills out a 70-space line if you put a period at the end.

    — Cecil Adams


    Thanks for your help so far ... I've been practicing awhile and am actually able to do a series of words in a stretch without kooling looking!


  • poppers

    God bless you Mrs. Dubisar, wherever you are - (she taught me to type when I was a high school freshman back in 1966).

  • Leolaia

    I had typing classes from 8th grade to 10th grade. First year it was manual typewriters (I took a picture of the room and typewriters -- must look prehistoric now), the next year it was electric, and then when I was a Sophomore it was Tandy Radio Shack computers. How technology changed in three years! lol

    I touch type pretty well but I have no idea of my speed. I can go pretty fast but the faster I go, the more errors I make. However even without looking at the keyboard, I know when I hit the wrong key. I find it interesting that with the ubiquity of computers and keyboards that people may still need typing practice. I thought that the need for typing classes would have lessened in this computer/internet age.

    In 11th grade I took a shorthand class --- it was some obscure format I have never seen anyone actually use.


    Good Morning Coco!!..So you want to learn how to type?..Guess what so do I?..LOL!!..So I went to a computer store called "Staples"..And..I found a typing course for computer:.."Mavis Beacon teaches Typing"..It`s rated number#1..There are over 425 lessons/Practice Sessions and Games.....Games to teache you to type!..Now thats cool!......I haven`t even opened the box yet..LOL!!..But when I do..No more 2 finger typing for me!!..LOL!!.............................OUTLAW

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I'm a hunt and peck person. I use two fingers and my thumb for the space bar. I have to use spell check or you would think I can't spell (my best class in school).

    I am working on changing bad habits one at a time.

    • I don't spell the words as I type them. I sound them out - a trick I learned for sign language
    • I now force my right hand to use the Shift key instead of the left one and using the right to cross over it to type a letter on the left side of the keyboard. - still working on that because there are times when I still do it
    • I'm working on not looking for some words. - doesn't work very well yet

    I need to work on getting more fingers working. But I am trying. And people have watched me type and can't believe how fast I am using only two fingers but then they are not checking for mistakes

    edited to correct spelling mistakes - Lee

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