special about it???????????.....zero!.... that is what......it will be the same as every other one i have heard......nothing special...nothing new......yet wife says it is special because so many from the memorial will be there???.......dammmmmm.......i sure doubt that.........always a dub answer dammit.........dammit......dammit........oompa...
can hardly wait for the NOT special talk tommorw......geeze...what is so.....
by oompa 17 Replies latest jw friends
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Haven't you always wondered whether there really is a true religion from God's standpoint?
Most in this congregation have been attending the Kingdumb Hall their entire lives and would be able to tell you everything in the outline without ever looking at it. As they stare at the speaker, this is what they are thinking...
"Do I want Chinese for lunch, or pizza? Wow, Sister Pioneer's hair looks terrible, she must have had an accident with cheap hair dye. Oh, I shouldn't have had so much chili last night, those beans are going to make too much noise if I go to the restroom now. And why did I take a seat in the middle of the row instead of the aisle? I wonder if I could let a silent one slip here in the main hall and nobody would notice. {rriiiiiiiiiipppp} Oh $h!t, it wasn't silent... and I think there was a lump in that fart."
Well, at least that's what I think during the Special Talk.
B the X
Oompa... sorry you gotta sit through it..at least its only 30 minutes.
Today I was in the local convenience store/gas station getting coffee on the way to work. My cell phone rings. Elder (and former close friend) from my old congo. Wanted to know why I was at ** station. Of course, that meant he could see me...he was yanking my chain. He and his wife and kids had pulled up next to my car in the parking lot. Apparently they were out in field service. No one else with them, though they had room for one more...wonder why no one wanted to work with them? hmmmmm....... Anyhow, his wife and kid were in the restroom inside and I hadn't seen them yet. I went outside and the elder and I chatted a bit....
...of course, he couldn't let me go without threatening me about the Special Talk. I asked who was giving it...he told me... it is an elder I respect as a person and I had pioneered with one year....the only fun year I ever had pioneering... unless he has changed, he is one of the more monotone boring speakers. This elder really was on my case about coming tomorrow. I told him I was working. Even if I wasn't, I am working...on not going to meetings.
If it wasnt for him inviting me (and now this thread) I would have had no idea when the talk was (I had already tossed my combo Memorial/special talk invite).
That's good, right, that I don't know when these things are anymore?
Snakes ()
Black Sheep
Seeing as you are soooo excited about it.....
The outline is here..... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/173878/1/Special-Bible-talk-entitled-e2809cIS-THERE-A-TRUE-RELIGION-FROM-GODe28099S-STANDPOINT-e2809d-Coming-to-a-Kingdom-Hall-near-you-on-Sunday-April-26-2009
Snakes...go and enjoy what you can...it will blow some minds..........an billy...ya...too funny..........oomps
I'm going to blow it off--I do not want to waste the time to go to the Kingdumb Hell and hear about how the witlesses are supposed to be the only true religion (they all say that). Plus, I don't want to risk finding myself dragged out in field circus for several hours and then dragged to the house of the lead hounder and his pio-sneer family.
Witness 007
I've had Coma's that were more exciting! You want the friggin short outline........We have truth, others don't! ..........that's all you need to know! Don't waste a half hour!
well I have just returned form listening to the special talk and was reminded why Jehovahs witnesses believe the stuff they believe.
The term religion (a modern western term) was applied backwards to ancient Greek and indian civilizations and they were re-presented as depraved religion. Thus Greek gods were immoral, incestuous etc and that's why that civilization was immoral. The caste system in India is also an expression of religion and came in for much criticism. In contrast Jehovahs witnessess are very moral upright people because they worship the Good Clean One God Jehovah and if anyone wants proof all they need to do is look at Jehovahs Witnesses. (No wonder they feel so special).
I'm sorry I stopped listening after this egotistical self centred opening so don't have any more to share with you all. Instead I started daydreaming about greek gods
Witness 007
Yeah Artimis with 100 breasts.......brrrrrrrr yeah baby, yeah!
Homerovah the Almighty
Doesn't every religion claim that they are the one and only true religion !
Evey Sunday morning in every Christian church they proclaim that their church or religion is the direct channel to god,
the only problem is each and everyone of them is an establish formulation of bullshit.
These places are nothing more than ignorance training centers for the wistful delusional.
Human ignorance as never been beneficial toward humanity has it now ?
Wouldn't it be more beneficial to take the entire family to a University Sunday morning so that
they may be able to learn something that is real, tangible and useful in their lives.